
He Loves Me ... He Loves Me Not

Just watched He Loves Me ... He Loves Me Not. A new approach to an often filmed subject.


My Mother Loves Women

Just watched My Mother Loves Women. Fejerman and Paris, the directors, are no Almodovar.


Watching films on TV

I have watched quite a number of films on TV recently (see my latest entries in JTBlog). I managed to do that despite watching hours of the Olympics daily and the Arsenal game during the weekend, listening to lots of music and reading lots of books, and of course, surfing the Net for hours day and night. And I still have time to sleep, do my morning walk, go to the library and eat yummy meals.

Too busy!

Far from Heaven

Just watched Far from Heaven on TV. Great acting. Well worth the time.


Bread & Loaf

Focaccia and Carrot Loaf!



據明報即時新聞網報導,「中國杜麗奪奧運首面金牌 - 雅典奧運產生首枚金牌,由中國選手杜麗在女子10米氣步槍項目中摘下金牌,這亦是中國隊的首枚金牌。」這當然只能是中國隊的首枚金牌!


Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation

Website of the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation:


What do economists contribute?

The Introduction, by Daniel B. Klein, to the book "What Do Economists Contribute?"

infinitejess.com on draft translation of Murakami's Kakfa on the Shore

These were posted back in April. But I only found them now. They were about reading an "unbound uncorrected manuscript of the freshly translated" Kafka on the Shore, to be released by Random House sometime next year.

Part 1 | Part 2







Library has never had any important place in my life. But this has changed since I have moved to Brisbane. The local library, a smallish one, is just five minutes on foot from home. I go there almost every day, reading all the daily newspapers (only Australian ones, no international papers there), some magazines, and then borrowing some home for even more reading.


張作驥的美麗時光 (The Best of Times)


Watched 2 films on TV yesterday

Tango, by Carlos Saura - 2nd time viewing, a visual feast.

Le Papillon (The Butterfly), by Phillipe Muyl - Heart warming, but that's all about it. Not in the same league as Kolya.


"Re: Norman Lebrecht's ridiculous rant on the Sony Walkman"

Re: Norman Lebrecht's ridiculous rant on the Sony Walkman, according to "Darwinian", who argued that "the Walkman didn't kill music, any more than the phonograph or CD player or iPod", since "any playback system, not just the Sony Walkman's, will remove that frame by putting the listener (audience) out of the concert hall and into a completely different venue (car, living room, etc.)".


Crunchy-topped Cod

With cod and potato, you can have the good old fish and chips. Or you can have this yummy dish called crunchy-topped cod, made with top layers of breadcrumbs and tomato.


泰好味 :-)

幾乎正宗泰式炒粉 (pad thai) + 柚子蝦沙律


Time flies ...

... 2 months in Brisbane already. Cheers!



More good food than you can read

Yesterday's lunch: Potato cake with tuna

Yesterday's dinner: Ratatouille with eggs