


Bought tons of books and DVDs in HK (II)

At last count, I have bought close to 30 kg of books, CDs and DVDs. 20 kg of them will be shipped via surface mail back to Brisbane, while the other 10 kg will become part of our return luggage.


The fading of Freud?

Talking cures have their place, but psychoanalytic theory has faded into brain science. Adam Phillips's attempt to define sanity is beside the point (Brenda Maddox reviewing "Going Sane" by Adam Phillips, Prospect, 4/05).

Some may argue that psychoanalytic theory has in fact been strengthened by a stronger foundation in brain science.



適逢其會,參觀了香港藝術館的「法國印象派繪畫珍品展」("Impressionism: Treasures from the National Collection of France")。展品當然是珍品,但很多恐怕不能算是頂級珍品,更何況以前在巴黎已參觀過部分展品。相比起來,我對館內的另一展覽「黃永玉八十藝展」更感興趣。

追夢留痕 漫談法國印象派繪畫珍品展 (鄧海超, 明報月刊 3/05)




Bought tons of books and DVDs in HK

OK, it's an exaggeration, just 10 kg of books and DVDs. May have to ship them back to Brisbane separately.


The Sea Inside (Mar adentro) - What a great film!

"The Sea Inside", directed by Alejandro Amenabar, is the real life story of Ramon Sampedro, who spent over a quarter of a century as a quadriplegic and campaigned hard for his right to die.

With a story line like this, the film is bound to be controversial, and many critics/viewers simply judge this film on their approval or otherwise of euthanasia.

(e.g. one viewer said: "... but I hear the Sea Inside is very moving and uplifting, not a dark sort of film either, very powerful, but it's about a guy who wants to die? Excuse me?? I mean, I don't mean to tell films what they should preach, but can we stick with messages like "living life is better than not living it", "suicide is bad," etc.")

But a film is an artistic product. A film can only be judged by its artistic merits. From this perpspective, The Sea Inside is a major success.

Watch it, please.

Official site (Spanish) / Official site (English)
To know more about this film, go to Rotten Tomatoes / IMDb