Two of my most trusted classical music review sources have very different views on Paul McCreesh's St. Matthew Passion. Gramophone selected it as Recording of the Month for May 2003 while ClassicsToday gave it a 4 (out of 10) for artistic quality. I am still waiting for my Amazon.com parcel to arrive.
I have seen the future of music and its name is iTunes (Farhad Manjoo, Salon.com, 29/4/03). He claims that Apple's new online music-buying system is everything Napster promised to be - cheap, easy and, best of all, legal. See also The 10-10-220 of File-Sharing - Ninety-nine cents for all your songs at Apple's new music store (Paul Boutin, Slate, 29/4/03)
Would you become a customer of Apple's iTune Music Store? I probably would, for songs from hard-to-find albums, such as Lisa Ekdahl's earlier Swedish CDs. The question is, what sort of songs are available from this store? Will it have the songs I like (and like to buy in this way)?
Would you become a customer of Apple's iTune Music Store? I probably would, for songs from hard-to-find albums, such as Lisa Ekdahl's earlier Swedish CDs. The question is, what sort of songs are available from this store? Will it have the songs I like (and like to buy in this way)?
Bernard Lewis: "I'm Right, You're Wrong, Go To Hell" - Religions and the meeting of civilization (The Atlantic Monthly, May 03)
Salon.com has quite a glowing review of the "Bulletproof Monk". The reviewer seems to like Chow Yun-Fat a lot, since he wrote: "The real romantic presence here is Chow Yun-Fat. And in any movie with Chow, how could it be any other way?" and "Watching Chow points up the difference between a star who knows how to be fully attentive and alive when he has reined himself in and a stiff like Harrison Ford who stands around taking up space. Everything Chow does is shot through with slivers of humor. Even when he's in his silent and commanding mode, you get the sense of someone for whom being in front of a camera is the most natural thing in the world. And he possesses what I can only call -- and I know it sounds corny -- the inner light you see in some movie stars, the ability to allow themselves to be transformed by an emotion that lifts the movie to a place where the audience doesn't feel silly or ashamed for responding."
Personal website of two of my work mates: Brad's Cyberspace and Tiny Witch World. The Tiny Witch, Candy Kan, will soon be moving to greener pasture :-(
A review of Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore" in English, from Book Munch. Kiki, the reviewer, said: "Murakami's latest is a modern retelling of the Oedipus story. It is also the story of two individuals and their search for answers." "Reading this novel I often felt like a second grader wading through "Crime and Punishment". There is a sense of vertigo swirling around many of the events and characters. Dream-like evocations are everywhere while concrete facts are illusive. I suspect that often Murakami's language sings and soars and performs back flips off the high board."
但在這部作品中我想寫一個少年的故事。所以想寫少年,是因為他們還是“可變”的存在,他們的靈魂仍處於綿軟狀態而未固定於一個方向,他們身上類似價值觀和生活方式那樣的因素尚未牢固確立。然而他們的身體正以迅猛的速度趨向成熟,他們的精神在無邊的荒野中摸索自由、困惑和猶豫。我想把如此搖擺、蛻變的靈魂細緻入微地描繪在fiction (小說)這 一容器之中,籍 此展現一個人的精神究竟將在怎樣的故事性中聚斂成形、由怎樣的波濤將其衝往怎樣的地帶。這是我想寫的一點。
但在這部作品中我想寫一個少年的故事。所以想寫少年,是因為他們還是“可變”的存在,他們的靈魂仍處於綿軟狀態而未固定於一個方向,他們身上類似價值觀和生活方式那樣的因素尚未牢固確立。然而他們的身體正以迅猛的速度趨向成熟,他們的精神在無邊的荒野中摸索自由、困惑和猶豫。我想把如此搖擺、蛻變的靈魂細緻入微地描繪在fiction (小說)這 一容器之中,籍 此展現一個人的精神究竟將在怎樣的故事性中聚斂成形、由怎樣的波濤將其衝往怎樣的地帶。這是我想寫的一點。
「橫寫直寫 向右向左 左翻右翻 沒完沒了」:天經地義
柏楊:紅塵靜思﹣珍惜中國文化 ﹣ 「中國文字在結構上,全都從左向右」,「中文橫寫,天經地義的應從左向右,不但橫寫應從左向右,就是直寫,天經地義的也應從左向右」。不過,根據台灣行政院中文書寫及排印方式統一規定,「中文直式書寫及排印,自上而下,自右而左」,但 「中文橫式書寫及排印,自左而右,自上而下」,而且在特殊情況下,又有特殊規定。官家的規定,既不合理,又複雜而混亂。唉!
-- 橫寫直寫 向右向左 左翻右翻 沒完沒了 --
From an interview of Haruki Murakami (The Japan Times, 1/12/02), on his new book "Kafka on the Shore":
Is "Kafka on the Shore," your latest novel in Japan, comparable to your last long novel, "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"?
I think that it's actually connected to "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World." I wanted to write a sequel 15 years ago, but I gave up. But I feel like "Kafka on the Shore" is connected to that book on a deeper level. Two parallel stories combine in the end. The structure is similar. And the theme of both books is a story of two different worlds, consciousness and unconsciousness. Most of us are living in those two worlds, one foot in one or the other, and all of us are living on the borderline. That's my definition of human life. The title is about the borderline of land and sea, living and dead.
Is "Kafka on the Shore," your latest novel in Japan, comparable to your last long novel, "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"?
I think that it's actually connected to "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World." I wanted to write a sequel 15 years ago, but I gave up. But I feel like "Kafka on the Shore" is connected to that book on a deeper level. Two parallel stories combine in the end. The structure is similar. And the theme of both books is a story of two different worlds, consciousness and unconsciousness. Most of us are living in those two worlds, one foot in one or the other, and all of us are living on the borderline. That's my definition of human life. The title is about the borderline of land and sea, living and dead.
Can classical music flourish in a microwave mass culture? Or is it fundamentally out of tune? (Financial Times, 5/4/03)
One of my most satisfying purchases of 2002: DVD of Rostropovich and Richter playing Beethoven's 5 cello sonatas
The longevity, in sales terms, of the classic novels, Cents and Sensibility: The surprising truth about sales of classic novels. (Slate, 2 April 2003)