Salon.com has quite a glowing review of the "Bulletproof Monk". The reviewer seems to like Chow Yun-Fat a lot, since he wrote: "The real romantic presence here is Chow Yun-Fat. And in any movie with Chow, how could it be any other way?" and "Watching Chow points up the difference between a star who knows how to be fully attentive and alive when he has reined himself in and a stiff like Harrison Ford who stands around taking up space. Everything Chow does is shot through with slivers of humor. Even when he's in his silent and commanding mode, you get the sense of someone for whom being in front of a camera is the most natural thing in the world. And he possesses what I can only call -- and I know it sounds corny -- the inner light you see in some movie stars, the ability to allow themselves to be transformed by an emotion that lifts the movie to a place where the audience doesn't feel silly or ashamed for responding."