

剛從白日夢島(Daydream Island)回來,全身像黑炭,腰酸肩痛。





拍了兩幅我頗為滿意的照片:紅藍 / 白藍。

Daydream Island






Major ad campaign for joetsang.net

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of joetsang.net, I have instructed my ad agency to put up billboards in all major cities around the world. Have you seen one in your city yet?


It's official: restarting your darn PC is the best thing you can do

Sometime ago, I wrote half-jokingly that when a computer is in trouble, switch it off and then switch on again. Very often, the problem will be gone.

Now it's official. The following is a paragraph from the Smarthouse website on the Microsoft Media Center OS upgrade:

A big complaint about the Media Center OS is that it hasn't been as reliable as the consumer electronics devices it's supposed to compete with, mainly because it is, after all, a Windows OS. Laemmel [product manager of the Windows Client Division] admits that, with any version of Windows, periodically "it's best just to restart the darn thing." To this end, a new setting prompts the PC to restart Media Center-specific services. The default is for it to perform that task at 4 a.m.; but you can change the time, and the PC will skip the restart if it's busy.


A Guide to Happiness

Just watched Alain de Botton's 6-part DVD - Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness. In less than 30 minutes per episode, de Botton guides you through what the great philosophers have to say on some of the problems of everyday life (Socrates on self-confidence, Epicures on happiness, Seneca on anger, Montaigne on self-esteem, Schopenhauer on love, Nietzsche on hardship).

Based on his book The Consolations of Philosophy, this DVD continues a theme de Botton has been using throughout his writing life: examining how philosophy can still be relevant to modern day life and how we can learn from these dead and wise men in solving everyday yet eternal problems.

If, like what my friend Cathy says, The Consolations of Philosophy "offers a simple introduction to western philosophy, making the subject interesting for layman", then this DVD must be a simple introduction to the simple introduction to western philosophy.

Wouldn't it be nice if searching for happiness is as easy as watching a DVD?





根留台灣,花開全球 — 蝴蝶蘭,新台灣之籽 (遠見,18/10/05)



附加組圖:小鴨落後了 媽媽等等我






Golf freebies

I receive freebies from the bank from time to time. You know, a pen, a calender, a writing pad, or something like that. The usual stuff.

This morning, she asked me whether I would like some freebies. Why not.

To my surprise, she gave me some golf balls and tees. How did she know that I played golf for the first time in my life just a few days ago?

They may not be of much use to me at this stage. But at least I know now that little thing you push in the ground to hold the ball in position is called a tee.


Golf first-timer

Enrolled in an introductory course in golf and had my first lesson last Saturday. The golf course is just a few minutes drive from home. The next lesson will be on this Saturday, again at 7am. Can't say yet whether I would develop an interest in this sport.


I don't really know that much about economics

According to news report, this year's Nobel Prize for Economics winner Israel Aumann says "I don't really know that much about economics". May be this is exactly the reason why he got the nod.

Free sudoku puzzles

I have been tasked to find as many free and hard Sudoku puzzles on the net as possible to feed a recent addict.

Some sites offer "sample" puzzles while many others provide a few free puzzles a day. The Times is quite generous, since it archives around 2 weeks of Sudoku puzzles. But many of them are relatively easy and not what I am after.

I finally come up with 2 sites:

1. Free Sudokus by KrazyDad - free, 5 levels of difficulty, hundreds of Sudokus per difficulty level, in pdf files. Great for offline playing.

2. Web Sudoku - Millions of free Sudokus in 4 levels of difficulty. Choose a difficulty level and press for a randomly drawn puzzle for online playing. Time taken to solve the puzzle is recorded to compare yourself with the "norm". Even allow for "pencil marking" (i.e. entering multiple numbers in a single cell to aid thinking). Excellent for online playing.

These 2 sites should offer Sudoku addicts years of playing pleasure. Unless of course if they insist on playing hand-constructed Sudokus. Or unless if they, as I predicted, become fed up with this game soon.


I'm Your Man

"Leonard Cohen I'm Your Man", a documentary film on a tribute concert in Sydney earlier this year.



章詒和的《往事並不如煙》,我已看過大陸版,也曾將它和後出的牛津版(或稱香港版,書名改為《最後的貴族》)的自序作比較 [注]。從圖書館借來的台灣版,跟之前的兩個版本比較,有以下幾點不同之處:

1 書名改回原來的,亦是較貼切的《往事並不如煙》
2 自序仍用未經刪改版,與牛津版相同,內文估計亦應如是
3 加入一篇〈越是崎嶇越坦平〉的訪談錄



【注】 章詒和的《往事並不如煙》(內地簡體字版,人民文學出版社),自序的首兩段是這樣寫的:







Intelligent Design on trial

"Intelligent Design" on Trial (Michael Lemonick, Time, 29/9/05) | The Evolution Wars (Claudia Wallis, Time, 15/8/05)

Evolution and intelligent design - Life is a cup of tea (The Economist, 6/10/05)

Common Ground on Intelligent Design (Inside Higer Ed, 7/10/05)

'Intelligent design' faces first big court test (Alex Johnson, MSNBC, 23/9/05)

'Intelligent Design' Trial Attracts Worldwide Media Attention (Mary Warner, Beliefnet)

Intelligent Design? (Special report of Natural History magazine)

Complete coverage of Intelligent Design Debate (New York Times)

Dover Intelligent Design Trial Information (Discovery Institute)

Creation or Evolution (United Church of God Australia)

An intelligent design for education: Atheists and believers inadvertently make the case for separating school and state (Jacob Sullum, Reason, 30/9/05)


Highlights of the Intelligent Debate Trial, as reported by the ever serious The Onion:


Can the Sudoku fever last? (II)

In June, I posted a short entry on Sudoku entitled "Can the Sudoku fever last?" A visitor, who was either upset with what I wrote or my writing style, posted a rather critical comment.

I am sorry if my writing made the visitor lost interest in this hugely popular game. Here I just want to clarify one thing. He's right in accusing me of being all-write-but-no-do. When I wrote "but once I figured out how to solve the Sudoku puzzle, I have lost interest in it, since next time the same thought process will be involved", I didn't mean I could solve all Sudoku puzzles. Far from it.

I only said that I thought I knew what thought process was involved in solving Sudoku puzzles. As I wrote in yesterday's entry (the only other entry on Sudoku since the June one), "I only write about Sudoku as a phenomenon. Personally I don't like this game since I hate spending so much time and enduring so much frustration trying to solve the puzzle. I am just too dumb to play this game of logic."

So, back to the question of whether this fever will last. Yes and no. Yes, because more and more people around the world will discover this game and become addicted. No, because those who play regularly probably will lost interest well within a year. Those who find Sokudu too challenging will stop playing soon. But those who have no proplem with it will soon find it "monotonous" since the same thought process will be involved in solving the next one.

To keep the latter group of persons involved, Sudoku makers have to keep on devising bigger and more complex Sudoku, like the interlocking ones (the Gattai 5 or Samurai Sudoku), or ones involving more than 9 digits (The dodeka version has 12 4x3 grids, each grid involving 0-9 and A, B), or ones with extra requirements (The Times call it the Killer Sudoku).

What do you think?


十六年前的十月 ...

... 亦即1989年10月,崑曲名旦華文漪在隨團赴美演出時「脫隊」,從此大陸崑迷只能靠錄像欣賞她的藝術。華文漪、岳美緹的「牡丹亭」頂尖組合亦從此成為絕響。



Are McMansions going out of style?

The Not So Big House of Sarah SusankaAccording to the New York Times, official statistics indicate that the 30-year trend of ever bigger American houses seems to have levelled off.

"The size of the average American house rose from about 1,500 square feet in 1970 to more than 2,300 square feet in 2001, with a particularly big growth spurt in the late 1990's. But from 2001 to 2004, the growth practically halted."

To understand why, read the article or watch a short multimedia presentation.

In Australia, the trend has been similar. Average home size has increased from 162.2 sqm in 1984-85 to 227.6 sqm in 2002-03, with the steepest rise occurring in the second half of the 1990s.

The funny thing is, in both the US and Australia, averge land size has been shrinking. Ever bigger houses on ever smaller lots imply that the average size of a home garden has decreased dramatically over the past few decades.


Springtime on the mountain

Some photos I took when I went to the Tamborine Mountain (the hinterland of Gold Coast, 1.5 hours drive from Brisbane) for its annual Flower and Garden Trail.