
Cockatoos having fun with a star-shaped dried fruit


I am experimenting with embedding video in my blogs. The first one was uploaded via Youtube, while the second one was uploaded direct from within Blogger and stored in Google Video.

Tuna and sushi

A long, but interesting and informative article from Vanity Fair: If You Knew Sushi (June 2007)

In it, Nick Tosches tells you lots about Tokyo's Tsukiji Market as the global clearing house for tuna, how sushi gradually gains acceptance amongst (the more health conscious) Americans, and much more.

Kabuki opened in downtown New York in early 1961. "Not all of the dishes at the Kabuki will appeal to American palates. Count among these sashimi, or raw fish," wrote Craig Claiborne in the Times. Nippon, with its sushi bar, opened in Midtown Manhattan in 1963, the year that Ronald McDonald entered the world through the McMiracle of parthenogenesis. "New Yorkers seem to take to the raw fish dishes, sashimi and sushi, with almost the same enthusiasm they display for tempura and sukiyaki," wrote Claiborne. But McDonald's Filet-o-Fish sandwich, introduced in 1964, was the real vanguard of fish-eating in America.

In July 1971, McDonald's came to Japan, opening in the Ginza Mitsukoshi department store, in Tokyo. It was the summer before that first New England tuna to be auctioned at Tsukiji made its transoceanic journey.

The ascent of sushi's popularity in urban America in the years 1972 to 1982 was phenomenal, as was its ascent throughout the rest of the country in the decades that followed. This ascent reached its peak on January 1, 2004, when a place called Tiger Sushi opened at the Mall of America, in Minnesota. Since then, like the ruler of two domains, sushi has reigned as America's new favorite fast food and favorite slow food as well, and its imperium is extending to Europe and beyond.

Both this and a recent article by 蔡瀾 in Next Magazine (壹週刊) state clearly that salmon is not supposed to be eaten raw, since "its movement between freshwater and salt water renders it the host to many parasites". However, many sushi/sashimi eateries, especially those outside of Japan at cheap-eat places, sell raw salmon as delicacy. Beware!

Only in America - Mayor awaits iPhone, leaves line after being asked about murders

Mayor awaits iPhone, leaves line after being asked about murders

The Associated Press, June 29, 2007

PHILADELPHIA: Mayor John F. Street abruptly ended his wait in line for an iPhone Friday after a passer-by asked him about the city's murder rate.

Street, who showed up outside an AT&T store at 3:30 a.m., left shortly after 22-year-old Larry West asked him, "How can you sit here with 200 murders in the city already?"

Street told him: "I'm doing my job."

Street had planned to stay in line for most of the day, waiting for Apple Inc.'s iPhone to go on sale at 6 p.m. When he left at 11:30 a.m., Street said he planned to return to his spot.

West returned later in the day to protest Street's actions — only to find the mayor still had not returned.

"In this climate, at this time in this city, you shouldn't be waiting in line for a phone," West said.

Before the encounter with West, the mayor said he wants the new device because he loves trying out the latest technology. Apple's new handheld would allow him to work some of the day outside the office, he said.

"We don't have to be sitting in City Hall to be conducting city business," he said.

Philadelphia recently had its 200th slaying of the year. Its murder rate is up from last year, the deadliest in nearly a decade.


Only in America, indeed. I mean, do you expect a Chinese mayor to have to personally queue for a fashionable gadget? You must be joking!


Andrea going places

Andrea, my Harvard Sweetie friend, just collected her Master's degree from the B-School. Congratulations!

She certainly knew how to celebrate in style, enjoying herself in Argentina, Israel/Jordan and Marseille before heading back to Hong Kong.


銀監部門號令難行 葫蘆島商行行長安如磐石


銀監部門號令難行 葫蘆島商行行長安如磐石






近來因要編排歐遊行程,常到Google Maps找資料。剛才無無聊聊,在Google Maps上輸入Hong Kong,出現的自然是香港的地圖,但圖中在青衣島南端,卻出現「春花落」三字。

春 花 落,聞所未聞,雅得很呢!與甚麼牛寮、晒草灣簡直不可相提並論。春花落,是青衣島南邊的一個地名嗎?但當我漸次zoom in時,三字又忽然消失。不如Google一下吧。









- 古人詩文簡體橫排,讀著不很舒服:那麼,今人詩文小說報刊(包括他自己的《相忘書》)以簡體橫排出版,止庵讀著舒服否?如以「具體情況而定」,是否應以古人書繁體豎排,今人書簡體橫排出版?不今不古人的書如要重印又如何(例如周作人)?

- 古人詩文簡體橫排,技術問題難解決:止庵舉自己的《樗下讀莊》為例,說明橫排技術問題難解決。《樗下讀莊》,抱歉,未讀,但「一段正文,一段解說」之類的書,在大陸以橫排出版,成千上萬,未聞有難解的技術問題。


-- 橫寫直寫 向右向左 左翻右翻 沒完沒了 --


觀影讀書流水賬 24/6/07

● Laura Kipnis 《Against Love: A Polemic》
● 山本文緒 《藍,或另一種藍》

這星期讀的兩本書,都是關於戀愛-婚姻-外遇這個永恆主題。《Against Love》標明是部polemic(一般譯作「論戰」,即所謂戰鬥格文章也),而《藍,或另一種藍》則是帶超現實色彩的流行小說。

先談《Against Love》。這部書,從書名,封面到簡介*都有一種引人閱讀的魅力。可惜,它其實毫不挑釁偏見精練直接,而是書生論戰型小書。

* "Will all the adulterers in the room please stand up?" So begins Laura Kipnis's profoundly provocative and waggish inquiry into our never ending quest for lasting love and its attendant issues of fidelity and betrayal. ...

首先,這部書開首第一句並不是"Will all the adulterers in the room please stand up?",而是一通「解說」,說明為何要against love,為何要寫一部polemic來「反愛」。這已是polemic的大忌。接著,是個何謂adultery的「前言」。

到了第一章,亦即以"Will all the adulterers in the room please stand up?"這種戰鬥格提問開首的一章,虎頭蛇尾,提問之後,隨即轉入「married」、「coupledom」等名詞的解說和規範,再後就是引經據典,從Freud、Marx、Weber、到Frankfurt School諸公,全都粉墨登場。





止庵《相忘書》 張愛玲的殘酷與蒼涼


- 知堂與"書話"
- 沈啟無與大學國文
- 張愛玲的殘酷之美
- 沉香屑
- 今生今世序
- 再談今生今世
- "張邊人物"話當年
- 關於"南玲北梅"




● 止庵:走進沒有光的所在:張愛玲殘酷之美
● 止庵:張愛玲殘酷之美 (央視《百家講壇》)
● 止庵:說說魯迅和張愛玲

Tide against Globalisation

A New Deal for Globalization (Kenneth F. Scheve and Matthew J. Slaughter, Foreign Affairs, July/August 2007)


Trip planning: Day trip to Lake Como (from Milan)

Picturesque Lake Como is an inverted-Y shape lake north of Milan.

From Milan, take a train to Como. Trains leave from Milan's Stazione Centrale and Stazione Porta Garibaldi, and arrive at Como's San Giovanni station 30-60 minutes later. The ferry terminal, at Piazza Cavour, is just a 10-15 minute walk from the station.

Sights in Como
- Duomo
- Piazza Cavour

From Como, travel to Bellagio by bus or ferry.

Sightseeing in Bellagio
- Bellagio is a beautiful hilly town on the promentory where Lake Como separates into two branches.
- Because of its location, it offers a good view of the whole lake.
- Some of the best views can be seen from the park of Villa Serbelloni and from the top of Monte San Primo.

There are ferry services which link up Bellagio, Menaggio (on the western shore) and Varenna (on the eastern shore)

To go straight Centro Largo towns, take the train from Milan to Varenna (1-2 hours).

Possible itinerary:

Milan -(train)- Como -(fast ferry)- Bellagio -(ferry)- Menaggio -(ferry)- Varenna -(train)- Milan

Skip Menaggio if time is tight (or spend a short while in Como).

Lake Como ferry
- Fast ferry from Como to Bellagio takes 1 hour (€11), while slow ferry takes twice as long (€7.8).
- Fare for ferries between Bellagio – Menaggio - Varenna is €3.4 per trip. Day pass is also available.

Frommer's: Lake Como: Region in Brief

Trip planning: Day trip to Verona (from Milan)


- Arena, at Piazza Bra
- Piazza delle Erbe
- Piazza dei Signori
- San Zeno Maggiore
- Castelvecchio
- Via Mazzini

- Most sights in Verona are closed on Mondays.

(Extracted from Time Out: Verona)
The Arena is the most obvious sign of the ancients, dominating the entrance to the thumb-shaped old town in piazza Bra. The largest Roman amphitheatre in northern Italy, the Arena was capacious enough to seat the city’s whole population of 20,000 when it was constructed in about AD 30.

A short distance north-west, by Ponte Scagliero, is the Castelvecchio (‘old castle’) of Verona’s della Scala family, the medieval rulers.

The heart of the city is formed by the adjoining squares piazza delle Erbe and piazza dei Signori, a short walk north-east from piazza Bra [through Via Mazzini].

Of the many churches in Verona, the most atmospheric isn’t the cathedral, but San Zeno Maggiore. It was built in the 12th century to house the remains of African St Zeno, Verona’s first bishop and patron saint.


Trains from Milan leave for Verona frequently and take 1.5-2 hours to reach Verona's train station, which is 1.5 km south of the old city. Take a bus or just walk for around 20 minutes along Corso Porta Nuova.

Around €14 one way for fast trains. Slower trains cost much less.

Verona Card

For €8 (1 day)/€12 (3 days), Verona Card allows free entry to museums, churches and monuments in the city and travel free on AMT bus services. Buy it at the Money Exchange Office near the Tourist Information Centre at the train station.


Verona - City of Art and History
Footprint Guides - Verona
Big map of Verona | Small map of Verona
Online Ticket Office for Arena of Verona


衷心推薦 - 不要做中國人的孩子







再讀 冉云飞:谁让你不幸生在中国?匪话连篇:冉云飞博客





Driving map of Tuscany

- Italian regional road map
- from Touring Club Italiano (TCI)
- with index of place names and road distances
- folding map
- 1:200,000 scale
- published in 2005


In and out ... in and out ... of Rome

In - 8/9 - Ciampino Airport (flight from Berlin) - arrival 9:10
Out - 10/9 - Tibertina Station (coach to Amalfi Coast) - depature 7:00
In - 13/9 - Tibertina Station (coach from Amalfi Coast) - arrival 9:00
Out - 16/9 - Fiumicino Airport (flight to Hong Kong) - depature 12:50

From Ciampino Airport, take the Terravision airport coach to Termini. To go to the Amalfi Coast, take the Metro Line B from Termini to Tibertina (the 4th stop) and take the Marozzi coach.

Terrevision coach is a dedicated airport-city transfer for airlines using the Ciampino Airport. Departure times correspond with flight arrival and departure. Passengers should be in possession of an airline boarding pass, ticket or e-ticket. Single: €8 / Return: €14. Online booking is available from the Terravision web site.

Tickets for Marozzi coach must be purchased before hand (coach leaves at 7:00 while the office opens at 9:00), at the long-distance bus office outside the Tibertina station. One way: €16.

Fiumicino Airport and Termini are linked by the Leonardo Express. Train leaves every half an hour, takes 31 minutes, and costs €11 one way.

While Termini is not a particularly attractive region, and not close to the major tourist spots, staying at a hotel within walking distance of Termini does minimise the hazzle of travelling with luggage.

Enjoy Rome: Public transportation | The sights | Rome for free


觀影讀書流水賬 17/6/07

Ridley Scott 《A Good Year》 (5/10)
Bart Freundlich 《Trust the Man》 (4/10)

Liza Picard 《Dr. Johnson's London》



Escape from Yahoo! Photos

A death foretold - Yahoo! Photos is closing down in September (later for international sites). I am one of those who have thousands of photos there, and now have less than 100 days to plan an escape route.

Millions of users, for various reasons, have chosen to store 2 billion photos on Yahoo! Photos. There will therefore be no single best escape route for all.

For me, I have tried most photo storage sites and settled for Flickr (also owned by Yahoo!) and Yahoo! Photos a few months back. Flickr is unrivalled in its web 2.0 capabilities. Unfortunately, its free service is very restrictive. Yahoo! Photos, however, is free and unlimited in storage. So I decided to put the bulk of my travel photos on Yahoo! Photos and the best one on Flickr.

Since then, the excellent Picasa (owned by Google) has increased its storage capacity to 1GB, quite adequate for my requirements (I want to store my scaled-down photos online for web display and sharing; storage of full-resolution photos is not needed). Picasa is now my preferred photo storage service. However, for reason obvious to those who follow the Google-Yahoo! rivalry, Yahoo! Photos does not offer a direct escape route to Picasa.

Perhaps I should do nothing and just let my photos on Yahoo! Photos vanish from the virtual world "on Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 9 p.m. PDT". No one is going to shed any tears.



除那三棵柑橘樹外,花園還有一些可供食用的植物:即摘即用的各式香草和葱不在話下,早前曾種士多啤梨,月前剛種了箭生菜/火箭菜(rocket)和羅馬蕃茄(Roma tomatoes)。前者已有收成,後者為時尚早。





- 可樂加青檸,消暑妙品!夏天時,買青檸數個,榨汁製成冰塊,隨時候命。


- 我極愛喝檸檬茶或水,從不加糖,越酸越妙。


- 少量已用來浸鹹柑桔,且看成敗如何。其他的,加入蜜糖煮至漿狀,喝時加水稀釋,乾燥冬夜最佳飲品。

Trenitalia's Amica discount fare

-- With the "Amica" fare, you can have 20% off all medium- and long-distance trains (AV, T-Biz, ES*, ES* City, IC Plus, IC, ICN, and Express). The tariff applies to the tickets purchased until midnight of the day before departure, for a limited number of places for each train and for a spending of at least 10 euro. --

For details, see Trenitalia's New "Amica" Fare Gives a 20% Discount on Slow Travel Talk Italy



Liza Picard,妙人也。長期在法律界工作,自言求知慾極强。60歲退休後埋首研究古時倫敦人過活細節。10年後以Samuel Pepys的日記為基礎寫成Restoration London,詳述17世紀中的倫敦人的日常生活。2000年出版Dr. Johnson's London,旁徵博引,以近乎百科全書形式鉅細無遺地向今人講解四分一個千禧前的倫敦的社會和生活面貌。(近年又再出版Elizabethan London和Victorian London)

或許不少讀者可將Dr. Johnson's London當普通書一樣從頭讀到尾(雖說它是百科全書體,但章節之間還是有連貫性的),我則不能。我只當它是一部工具書,選擇性地閱讀。

早前我寫過飄香之城飄香之城2,講的是古時都會的屎尿處理問題。以下是從Dr. Johnson's London抽取的相關資料:


(左圖為William Hogarth的Night的局部 - 中「頭獎」。18世紀初作品。原圖



● 曾堯角落: 飄香之城 | 飄香之城2
Literary London, warts and all: Interview with Liza Picard (John Cunningham, The Guardian, 4/8/01)
● Liza Picard: Restoration London: Everyday Life in the 1660s
● Liza Picard: Dr. Johnson's London: Everyday Life in London in the Mid 18th Century
● Liza Picard: Elizabeth's London: Everyday Life in Elizabethan London
● Liza Picard: Victorian London: The Life of a City 1840-1870

● Wikipedia: Great Stink




前者,我不知。後者,too easy!

觀影讀書流水賬 10/6/07

仍在日以繼夜,為下半年意遊及日遊定行程找資料。電影一部沒看,書只讀了一本,法國網球公開賽賽事看了幾場,Leonard Cohen和Mahler Symphony No.2一聽再聽,一週容易又過去。

● 陳丹青 《多餘的素材》


- 陳丹青的博客
- 網易新聞:陳丹青

Trip planning: Berlin

Berlin in 2-3 days:

Berlin Tourist Information | Fodors | Footprint Guides | Frommer's | Berlin Insider Tours | Concierge.com | New York Times

Berlin top 5/top 10:

Smart-Travel-Germany.com | realbuzz.com | Fodors |


Singles cost €2.1 for travel within zones AB, and €2.7 for zones ABC. A single allows use of the BVG network for 2 hours, with as many changes between bus, tram, U-Bahn and S-Bahn as necessary.

Short journey ticket (Kurzstrecke) valid for all 3 zones costs €1.2 and is valid for 3 U-Bahn or S-Bahn stops, or 6 stops on the bus or tram. No transfer allowed.

Daily ticket for zones AB costs €6.1.

Most visitors travel within the AB zones. The only exception is Potsdam, which is in zone C.

Valid tickets before use.

Berlin WelcomeCard:

Berlin WelcomeCard offers unlimited public transport within the zones and within the time limit (48/72 hours after validation). It also offers discounts for a wide range of entrance fees.

WelcomeCard 2007 (fare zone AB) € 16,00 / € 21,00 (48 / 72 hours)
WelcomeCard 2007 (fare zone ABC) € 17,50 / € 24,00 (48 / 72 hours)


Trip planning: Cinque Terre

The five villages that make up the Cinque Terre (literally "5 lands"), from north to south are: Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore. They are perilously-perched villages strung along a short stretch of cliffs in Liguria.

Hiking trails

- Route 2 or Sentiero Azzuro (Blue Trail) - Monterosso to Riomaggiore (5 hours): The Monterosso-Vernazza leg (2 hours) is hard, while Vernazza-Riomaggiore is relatively easy, especially the paved final leg, called Via dell'Amore or Path of Love between Manarola and Riomaggiore.
- Levanto to Monterosso (2 hours)

More on hiking: New York Times | Slow Travel Italy | Italy Heaven

Apart from walking, the 5 villages are also linked by trains (20 minutes, usually more than 1 train per hour) and boats (summer only).

Considering that we'll be there during the height of summer, I am planning to walk from Levanto to Monterosso on the first day, and Vernazza to Riomaggiore on the second.

Cinque Terre Card

Types and prices of Cinque Terre cards (effective 10/3/07):
- Hiking only: 5, 8 and 10 Euro for 1, 2 and 3 days
- Transportation + hiking: 8, 13.5 and 18.5 Euro for 1, 2 and 3 days

Useful Sites

- Consorzio Turistico Cinque Terre
- Cinque Terre National Park
- Rick Steves: Cinque Terre: Italy's Fiat-Free Riviera | The Enchanting Cinque Terre: Fiat-Free Italy | Vernazza: From Pirates to Pesto | Eats and Sleeps in Vernazza: The Jewel of the Cinque Terre
- The Cinque Terre

Previous stop: Milan (25/8) | Next stop: Pisa Airport (27/8)

From Milan: 2 choices:
1. Take the 7:15 direct train from Milan Central Station, arriving in Vernazza at 11:05 (total time: 3:50)
2. Take 8:10 train from Milan Central Station to Monterosso, arriving at 11:02. Have a cup of coffee and enjoy the sea view. Buy Cinque Terre Card. Take 12:06-12:10 train to Vernazza (total time: 4:00)

To Pisa Airport: Take 8:18 train, arriving in Pisa Airport at 10:25 (2 changes at La Spezia and Pisa Central Station; total time: 2:07)


Getting to La Mala

Address: Via San Giovanni Battista 29, 19018 Vernazza

La Mala is located in the westward part of Vernazza known by locals as Luvegu. It takes just a few minutes to get to the hotel from the railway station.

Advise the hotel before hand your arrival time, and they will meet you at the railway station to show you to your room and help you with your luggage.

Trip planning: Milan

20/8 - 24/8 (5 days, 4 nights)

Since we'll be arriving at our Milan hotel just before mid-night on the 1st day (see Trip planning: London Heathrow → Milan Linate), and leaving in the afternoon on the 5th (see Trip planning: Cinque Terre), essentially we'll have 3.5 full days for Milan and surrounding regions:

- full-day trip to Lake Como
- full-day trip to Verona
- half-day trip to Bergamo
- 2 half-days for Milan sightseeing and shopping

Milan sights:

- Duomo (7am-7pm daily, roof and lift from 9am, stairs €3.5 lift €5)
- Teatro alla Scala (8:30am-7:15pm, closed Mon)
- Il Cenacolo / The Last Supper (8:30am-7pm, closed Mon, €6.5+€1.5 booking fee, booking a must)
- Castello Sforzesco (7am-7pm daily))
- Pinacoteca di Brera (8:30am-7:15pm, closed Mon, €5)
- San Siro (Museum €7 Museum+Stadium €12.5)
- Casa Museo Boschi Stefano (2-6pm, closed Mon & Tue)
- Navigli

Milan shopping:

- Quadrilaterao D'Oro (Golden Quad) – Via della Spiga, Via Sant’Andrea, Via Monte Napolean, Via Alessandro Manzoni
- Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

Milan eat:

- Aperitivo: Let’s go for an aperitivo! | Aperitivos in Milan


Tickets are valid on all the types of public transport. A single ticket lasts 75 minutes and costs €1 - use it on as many buses and trams as you like, but only one metro journey. For more, see About Milan: Transportation in Milan.

Useful Sites:

About Milan
36 Hours in Milan (New York Times)


Getting to Hotel Berna

Address: 20124 MILANO - Via Napo Torriani, 18

From Milan's Linate Airport, take the Starfly coach to Central Station. Exit to Piazza Duca d’Aosta and cross it.

From there, 5 streets open to an aureole: the main one is Via Vittor Pisani. The first road to the left of it is Via Napo Torriani. Cross it and walk a few minutes to the hotel.


牡丹一百——青春版《牡丹亭》百場演出感言 (白先勇,《聯合文學》,272期)





Precious rain

All Queenslanders are in joyful mood today, following an overnight rain which brought 30-50 mm of water to most Southeast Queensland localities. It was said to be the heaviest rainfall recorded over the past two years. More rain is expected for today and tomorrow.

Brisbane had only 2 mm (i.e. zero) of rain for the whole of April. Since late May though, things seeme to have been changing for the better (some say El Nino is being replaced by La Nina, whatever that means).

Our water tank is now almost half full.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

I borrowed this novel by Mark Haddon from the local library on Cathy's recommendation.

The book started with young Christopher deciding to find out who killed his neighbour's dog with a garden fork, hence the book's title. Christopher, who has Asperger Syndrome, is great with mathematics but totally dysfunctional in social interactions and looking after himself.

The book is not what it seems though. Rather, it is a portrait of the breakdown in the marriage of Christopher's parents, the burden of looking after him being a major factor.

As a book for the "younger readers", The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time has its obvious merits. But to me, it was ultimately an annoying reading experience, since I always have problems with books, films or songs by adults "pretending" to be kids. While the book is written from the first-person perspective of Christopher, I can always feel the presence of a smart adult behind, pulling strings.


觀影讀書流水賬 3/6/07



● 市川準 《東尼瀧谷》 (5/10)

- 曾堯角落:再遇《東尼瀧谷》


● Susan Vreeland 《Girl in Hyacinth Blue》

- 老友讀過,認為不錯,我也跟風讀讀。構思甚佳,成績也真不俗。以一幅虛構的Vermeer傳世畫作為題材,以倒敘形式由今天的擁有者上溯至Vermeer繪畫之時,共八篇短篇小說。要做到篇篇不同題材,不同味道,殊不容易。接著要讀的,是她的新作《Luncheon of the Boating Party》,仍是關於名畫的,但今次是Renoir的,而且是一幅實有的作品。

Help you make it thru the night

The above are stamps of Leonard Cohen from Finalnd.

As I wrote in What if the night is long and you are depressed, as usual? You need Leonard Cohen by your side!

Finland is issuing a stamp in the honour of Leonard Cohen. Cohen, aka the poet laureate of pessimism, the grocer of despair, the godfather of gloom, the prince of bummers, "has an enormous following in Finland, where the nights are long and depression is said to be widespread."

雲門向左 雲門向右

我在橫寫直寫 向右向左 左翻右翻 沒完沒了網頁中已談過「雲門舞集」四字時而由右向左,時而又由左向右排列之謎。










-- 橫寫直寫 向右向左 左翻右翻 沒完沒了 --


大野洋子 大吃狗肉 抗議 大英王室

明報引中新網報導- 大野洋子吃狗肉抗議英王室

「大野洋子」之為中國人長期誤用,是「習非勝是」的典型例子。Yoko Ono原名為小野洋子而非甚麼大野洋子,不難查證,此誤譯亦早已被多番點出,但我們似乎還是集體堅持稱她為大野,真可謂眾志成城。


後記(12/6):原來這篇我改為「大野洋子 大吃狗肉 抗議 大英王室」的報導純屬大話。小野女士對此作大報導大發雷霆,各大報章紛紛道歉。



