
觀影 2024-12

12-21 Columbus

12-22 シン・ウルトラマン (Shin Ultraman | 新·超人 / 新·超人力霸王)

12-24 Some Rain Must Fall (空房間裡的女人)

12-26 Chess of the Wind (風之棋局)

12-27 The Daughter

12-29 The Glassworker

12-31 초미의 관심사 (Jazzy Misfits | 梨泰院之花 / 爆裂母女反轉梨泰院)


觀影 2024-11

11-01 すばらしき世界 (Under the Open Sky | 東京蒼穹下 / 太陽出來之後)

11-02 Starring Jerry As Himself

11-03 The Painted Veil (愛在遙遠的附近)

11-04 Suffragette (女權之聲:無懼年代)

11-05 A Most Wanted Man (諜報風雲)

11-07 湯を沸かすほどの熱い愛 (幸福澡堂 / 幸福湯屋 / 滾燙的愛)

11-08 Le Procès Goldman (The Goldman Case | 罪後辯護)

11-09 Les Pires (The Worst Ones | 爛人)

11-10 Golden Treasure (改變命運的女孩)

11-12 Empieza el baile (Let the Dance Begin)

11-13 復讐するは我にあり (Vengeance Is Mine | 我要復仇)

11-14 두만강 (La Rivière Tumen | 圖們江 / 豆滿江)

11-15 Post Coïtum, Animal Triste (After Sex)

11-16 BU・SU(ブス | Bu Su | 醜女)

11-17 Classe Tous Risques (The Big Risk)

11-18 おくりびと (Departures | 送行者:禮儀師的樂章)

11-19 正義迴廊 (The Sparring Partner)

11-20 Paterson

11-21 Frère et Sœur (Brother and Sister | 親情風暴)

11-22 The Juniper Tree (女巫歲月)

11-23 十階のモスキート (十樓的蚊子 | Mosquito on the Tenth Floor)

11-24 Juniper


觀影 2024-10

10-02 Leave the World Behind (斷訊)

10-03 My Brilliant Career (我的璀璨生涯)

10-04 Lost in Translation (迷失東京 | 愛情,不用翻譯)

10-05 Celle que vous croyez (Who You Think I Am | 別問我是誰)

10-06 À plein temps (Full Time)

10-07 うなぎ (鰻魚 | The Eel)

10-08 Nostalgia (再見拿坡里)

10-09 In the Heat of the Night (月黑風高殺人夜 | 惡夜追緝令)

10-10 天水圍的日與夜 (The Way We Are)

10-11 Pink

10-12 Esimde (This Is What I Remember)

10-13 La virgen de agosto (The August Virgin | 馬德里心旅行)

10-14 早春 (Early Spring)

10-15 L'Événement (Happening | 正發生)

10-16 すべての夜を思いだす (Remembering Every Night | 直到夜色深沉)

10-17 La región salvaje (The Untamed | 慾望)

10-18 सपनाको आवाज (The Sound of Dreaming),बाबु (Babu)

10-19 경주 (Gyeongju | 慶州 / 慶州密語)

10-20 Subtraction (德黑蘭雙面疑雲)

10-22 お遊さま (Miss Oyu | 阿遊小姐)

10-23 창밖은 겨울 (窗外是冬寂 | When Winter Comes)

10-24 Úsvit (We Have Never Been Modern)

10-25 Sentimental (The People Upstairs | 街坊誘誼賽)

10-26 Where The Wild Things Are

10-27 寧化飛灰 (Rather Be Ashes Than Dust)

10-28 Les meutes (Hounds)

10-29 天使の恋 (天使之戀 | My Rainy Days)

10-30 Fin de siglo (End of the Century)

10-31 Die Ehe der Maria Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun)


觀影 2024-09

09-01 Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod (Gloomy Sunday | 布達佩斯之戀 / 狂琴難了)

09-02 El Planeta

09-03 好好拍電影 (Keep Rolling)

09-04 用心棒 (Yojimbo)

09-05 青春18×2 通往有你的旅程 (青春18×2 君へと続く道 | 18x2 Beyond Youthful Days)

09-06 The Fault in Our Stars (生命中的美好缺憾)

09-07 Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa

09-09 Lolo and the Kid

09-10 Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood (阿波羅10號半:男兒當升空 / 阿波羅10號半:我要上太空)

09-11 The Lie: The Murder of Grace Millane

09-12 Citizen Kane (大國民)

09-13 後來的我們 (Us and Them)

09-14 Here (小世界)

09-15 원더랜드 (Wonderland | 夢境)

09-16 Woodstock: Three Days That Defined a Generation

09-17 火垂るの墓 (螢火蟲之墓 / 再見螢火蟲 | Grave of the Fireflies)

09-18 Last Cab to Darwin

09-19 無涯:杜琪峯的電影世界 (Boundless)

09-20 お引越し (搬家 | Moving)

09-21 His Three Daughters (他的三個女兒)

09-22 Missing (ミッシング | 我的女兒不見了)

09-23 Un Monde (Playground)

09-24 Picnic at Hanging Rock (懸崖上的野餐)

09-25 Walkabout

09-26 余命一年の僕が、余命半年の君と出会った話。(餘生一年的我,與可活半年的妳相遇 | Drawing Closer)

09-28 Chances Are, You And I

09-29 Relatos Salvajes (Wild Tales)

09-30 Mank


晚景淒清的Regent Theatre


布里斯本是個新興城市,富麗堂皇的舊建築少之又少。照片中的,是位於市中心,上世紀20年代建成的豪華電影院/劇場:Regent Theatre。

電影院經過一段輝煌期,到70年代慢慢趨於沒落,10多年前宣佈結業。我有幸2006年曾在此看過韓國電影觸不到的戀人的荷里活改編版The Lake House(圖2)。



觀影 2024-08

08-01 Whiplash (進擊的鼓手)

08-02 マザー (Mother | 母子逆緣)

08-03 Colors of Evil: Red

08-04 乱れ雲 (亂雲 | Scattered Clouds / Two in the Shadow)

08-05 한공주 (Han Gong-ju | 青春勿語 / 被轉校生)

08-06 夜明けのすべて ポスター (All the long nights | 長夜盡頭的微光)

08-07 Ich seh, Ich seh (Goodnight Mommy)

08-08 Ladri di biciclette (Bicycle Thieves / The Bicycle Thief)

08-09 El reino (The Realm / The Candidate | 騙局)

08-10 The Night Porter (Il portiere di notte)

08-11 遙かなる山の呼び声 (A Distant Cry from Spring | 遠山的呼喚)

08-12 巧巧 (Ciao Ciao)

08-13 幸福の黄色いハンカチ (The Yellow Handerchief | 幸福黃手絹)

08-14 Holy Spider (聖蛛)

08-15 Wir könnten genauso gut tot sein (We Might As Well Be Dead)

08-16 ບໍ່ມີວັນຈາກ (The Long Walk | 靈界迴路)

08-17 Pamfir (以父子之名)

08-18 Driveways

08-19 The Farewell (別告訴她)

08-20 La Syndicaliste (The Sitting Duck | 無人相信的真相)

08-21 Matria

08-22 野良犬 (Stray Dog)

08-23 Hounds of Love (愉虐遊戲)

08-24 Trời Sáng Rồi, Ta Ngủ Đi Thôi (Good Morning and Good Night)

08-28 2nd HK On Screen Film Festival - Shorts 第二屆 銀幕●香港電影節 - 短片 (The Dog Tied to the Shed | No Brightness in the City (城市裏的光天化日) | Go Back Home (返屋企) | Up, Up and Away (無限,無限輕。) | Closing Time)

08-29 想像が出来ない (Impossible to Imagine)

08-30 A Private War (第一眼戰線 / 私人戰爭)

08-31 Stand By Me (伴我同行 / 站在我這邊)


觀影 2024-07

07-01 거미집 (Cobweb | 誆世巨作:蜘蛛窩新宇宙 / 韓戲逼人)

07-02 雪豹 (Snow Leopard)

07-03 3 Tage in Quiberon (3 Days in Quiberon | 羅美雪妮黛的美麗與哀愁 / 夢影人生)

07-04 Le Doulos (The Informer | 線人)

07-05 ゴジラ-1.0 (Godzilla -1.0 | 哥吉拉 -1.0)

07-06 Lady Bird (淑女鳥 / 不得鳥小姐)

07-07 查無此心 (The Abandoned)

07-08 The Lost Daughter (失去的女兒)

07-09 여행자 (A Brand New Life | 等待回家的日子)

07-10 When I Saw You

07-11 失楽園 (失樂園 | Lost Paradise)

07-12 Court

07-13 あにいもうと (Older Brother Younger Sister | 兄妹)

07-14 意外 (Accident)

07-15 Promising Young Woman (花漾女子)

07-16 The Old Oak

07-17 東京暮色 (Tokyo Twilight)

07-18 The Wild Duck

07-19 Death of a Ladies' Man (大眾情人之死)

07-20 Oppenheimer

07-21 It Must Be Heaven (那裡是天堂 / 導演先生的完美假期)

07-22 すずめの戸締まり (Suzume | 鈴芽之旅)

07-23 泥だらけの純情 (污泥中的純情 | The Mud-Spattered Pure Heart)

07-24 Feathers

07-25 아가씨 (The Handmaiden | 下女的誘惑 / 下女誘罪)

07-26 千と千尋の神隠し (千與千尋 / 神隱少女 | Spirited Away)

07-27 The Hours (此時此刻 | 時時刻刻)

07-28 Memento Mori: Earth

07-29 Get Out (訪.嚇 | 逃出絕命鎮)

07-30 Short Term 12 (她和她的小鬼們 | 愛心收容所)

07-31 My Week With Marilyn (情迷夢露7天 | 夢露與我的浪漫週記)


觀影 2024-06

06-08 幸彤在監獄 (She's in Jail)

06-09 클레어의 카메라 (La Caméra de Claire/Claire's Camera)

06-10 변호인 (The Attorney | 逆權大狀)

06-11 マイ・ブロークン・マリコ (My Broken Mariko)

06-12 Tytöt tytöt tytöt (Girl Picture)

06-13 二十四の瞳 (Twenty-Four Eyes | 二十四隻眼睛)

06-14 ベイビーわるきゅーれ (Baby Assassins | 辣妹刺客)

06-15 楢山節考 (The Ballad of Narayama) (木下惠介版)

06-16 流水落花 (Lost Love)

06-17 Les jeunes amants (The Young Lovers)

06-18 銀河鉄道の父 (Father of the Milky Way Railroad | 銀河鐵道之父)

06-19 A Chiara (To Chiara)

06-20 Le Samouraï (獨行殺手)

06-21 오마주 (Hommage | 女影人生)

06-22 Palazzo di giustizia (Ordinary Justice)

06-23 乾いた花 (Pale Flower | 乾萎之花)

06-24 Maixabel

06-25 윤희에게 (Moonlit Winter | 致允熙 / 致潤熙 / 小樽情書 / 密友禁地)

06-26 The Last Days of Capitalism

06-27 千禧曼波 (Millennium Mambo)

06-28 Undine (水漾的女人)

06-29 恋文 (戀文 | Love Letter)

06-30 Le Mari de la coiffeuse (The Hairdresser's Husband | 理髮師的男人)


觀影 2024-05

05-01 Petite Maman (Little Mother)

05-02 올빼미 (The Night Owl | 晝盲神探)

05-03 楢山節考 (The Ballad of Narayama) (今村昌平版)

05-04 The Patience Stone

05-05 Saremo giovani e bellissimi (We'll be young and beautiful)

05-06 道頓堀川 (Lovers Lost)

05-07 炎上 (Conflagration)

05-08 Apur Sansar (The World of Apu | 大樹之歌)

05-09 You Resemble Me

05-10 Mystery Road

05-11 老狐狸 (Old Fox)


觀影 2024-04

04-06 Gloria Bell

04-07 No matarás (Cross the Line | 厄夜暴走)

04-08 Aparajito (The Unvanquished | 大河之歌)

04-09 What Happened Was......

04-10 Freud's Last Session

04-11 The Assistant

04-12 4拍4家族 (Band Four)

04-13 Casablanca (北非諜影)

04-14 泥の河 (泥河 | Muddy River)

04-15 海上花 (Flowers of Shanghai)

04-16 香港三部曲:開門見山、愚公移山、後悔莫及 (Hong Kong Trilogy: Preschooled Preoccupied Preposterous)

04-17 Le ballon rouge (The Red Balloon | 紅氣球)

04-17 The Phone Call

04-19 Der Trafikant (The Tobacconist)

04-20 百円の恋 (100円的愛 / 百元之戀 | 100 Yen Love)

04-21 無雙 (Project Gutenberg)

04-22 Le Déclin de l'empire Américain (The Decline of the American Empire)

04-23 晚菊 (Late Chrysanthemums)

04-24 The Justice of Bunny King

04-25 富都青年 (Abang Adik)

04-26 Баавгай болохсон (If Only I Could Hibernate | 如果我可以冬眠)

04-27 City Hunter (城市獵人)

04-28 哥哥的情人 (三個夏天 | Three Summers)

04-29 The Secret Garden (秘密花園)

04-30 Les Contes de la nuit (Tales of the Night | 枕邊故事)


觀影 2024-03

03-01 秋刀魚の味 (An Autumn Afternoon | 秋刀魚之味)

03-02 女が階段を上る時 (女人步上樓梯時 | When A Woman Ascends The Stairs)

03-03 狂った果実 (Crazed Fruit | 瘋狂的果實)

03-04 Zgjoi (Hive | 紅椒醬的滋味)

03-05 Verdens verste menneske (The Worst Person in the World | 世界上最爛的人)

03-06 平原上的夏洛克 (Summer Detective)

03-07 山の音 (Sound of the Mountain | 山之音)

03-08 血觀音 (The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful)

03-09 Frantz (雙面法蘭茲/愛的替身)

03-10 Blancanieves

03-11 女囚701号 さそり (Female Prisoner 701: Scorpion | 女囚701號:蝎子)

03-12 The Last Repair Shop

03-13 周處除三害 (The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon)

03-14 El secreto de sus ojos (The Secret in Their Eyes | 謎樣的雙眼)

03-15 めし (飯 | Repast)

03-16 Un autre monde (Another World | 真實世界)

03-17 江湖兒女 (Ash Is Purest White)

03-18 濁水漂流 (Drifting)

03-19 修羅雪姫 (Lady Snowblood | 修羅雪姬)

03-20 Un amour impossible (An Impossible Love | 不可能的愛)

03-21 리틀 포레스트 (Little Forest | 小森林/森之廚房)

03-22 羅生門 (Rashomon)


觀影 2024-02

02-01 盛夏光年 (Eternal Summer)

02-02 Everything Everywhere All At Once (奇異女俠玩救宇宙 / 媽的多重宇宙)

02-02 the After

02-03 ちひろさん (Call Me Chihiro | 我是千尋)

02-04 The Shawshank Redemption

02-05 Nyad (泳不放棄)

02-06 Tár

02-07 奪命金 (Life Without Principle)

02-08 一家之主 (Reclaim)

02-09 Atlantique (Atlantics)

02-10 一個複雜故事 (A Complicated Story)

02-11 Certain Women (屬於她們的片刻)

02-12 Roma (羅馬)

02-13 The Old Young Crow (伊朗男孩與日本奶奶)

02-13 誰先愛上他的 (Dear Ex)

02-13 Little Chief

02-14 ฮาวทูทิ้ง ทิ้งอย่างไร..ไม่ให้เหลือเธอ (Happy Old Year | 就愛斷捨離)

02-15 Marriage Story (婚姻故事)

02-16 La vita davanti a sé (The Life Ahead | 來日同行 / 前路有你)

02-17 La sociedad de la nieve (Society of the Snow)

02-18 黑社會 (Election)

02-19 The Trial of the Chicago 7

02-20 Penyalin Cahaya (Photocopier)

02-21 J'ai perdu mon corps (I Lost My Body)

02-22 Okja (玉子)

02-23 バッド・ランズ (Bad Lands)

02-24 Ya no estoy aquí (I'm No Longer Here | 流亡雙城)

02-25 Le Sommet des Dieux (The Summit of the Gods)

02-25 If Anything Happens I Love You

02-26 孤味 (Little Big Women)

02-27 Im Westen nichts Neues (All Quiet on the Western Front | 西線無戰事)

02-28 Moonlight (月光下的藍色男孩)

02-29 소공녀 (Microhabitat | 小公女/蟻居女孩)


觀影 2024-01

01-01 Continuer (Keep Going | 負愛前行)

01-02 The Imitation Game

01-03 晚春 (Late Spring)

01-04 Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent (Two English Girls / Anne and Muriel | 兩個英國女孩與歐陸)

01-05 共犯 (Partners in Crime)

01-06 東京物語 (Tokyo Story)

01-07 臍帶 (The Cord of Life)

01-08 雨月物語 (Ugetsu Monogatari)

01-09 Dronningen (Queen of Hearts)

01-10 山椒大夫 (Sansho the Bailiff)

01-11 20th Century Women (二十世紀的她們)

01-12 稲妻 (Lightning | 稻妻)

01-13 Woman on Fire Looks for Water (遺情)

01-14 踏血尋梅 (Port of Call)

01-15 麥秋 (Early Summer)

01-16 Bik Eneich: Un fils (A Son)

01-17 남과 여 (Man and Woman | 關不住的誘惑 / 男與女)

01-18 南方車站的聚會 (The Wild Goose Lake)

01-19 The Exam

01-20 飯戲攻心 (Table for Six)

01-20 Island in Between (金門)

01-20 奶奶跟外婆 (Nai Nai & Wài Pó / Grandma & Grandma)

01-22 El olvido que seremos (Forgotten We'll Be)

01-24 妻 (Wife)

01-25 Jauja (巧黑/走出安樂鄉)

01-26 하녀 (下女 | The Housemaid)

01-27 Všechno bude (Winter Flies | 蒼冬裡)

01-28 浮雲 (Ukigumo/Floating Clouds | 浮雲)

01-29 月滿軒尼詩 (Crossing Hennessy)

01-30 Maestro

01-31 殺出個黃昏 (Time)