李安 《色‧戒》 (7/10)
- 《色‧戒》觀後:電影是電影,小說是小說,互不相干
楊絳的《走到人生邊上—自問自答》已暫時放下,現正翻閱《散步地圖Nippon 四國》
《散步地圖Nippon 四國》
蔡登山 《張愛玲〈色‧戒〉》
易中天 《品三國 下》
Winnie姐 《100中式甜品》
杜煥 《訴衷情 地水南音精選》
張德蘭 《2004張德蘭經典金曲演唱會》
《黃山 NHK高清畫面作品系列》
看過電影《色‧戒》後,我覺得要評價它原來很容易:《色‧戒》是部好片,就像Brokeback Mountain和The Departed一類的好片,絕對有可能揚威奧斯卡。它平實流暢,功力深厚...
看過電影《色‧戒》後,我覺得要評價它原來很容易:《色‧戒》是部好片,就像Brokeback Mountain和The Departed一類的好片,絕對有可能揚威奧斯卡。它平實流暢,功力深厚...
07夏 喪逛書店 第三擊
我在個多月前寫的07夏 喪逛書店 第二擊中提到,「如今,人民幣匯價已由低於港元變成高於港元,租金不斷上升,而大型綜合書店亦全面以一對一價發售。在這三重打擊下,樓上書店陷入困境,有的支持不住消失了,有的轉以賣童書和幼兒教育書為重心,留下來的亦不得不調高書價,與大型綜合書店相比,已沒有甚麼競爭優勢。」
If you can't recover, revisit
As mentioned earlier, I lost 200+ photos of Rome due to a corrupted memory card. I turned to 3 persons for advice:
1. The IT guru suggested using a data recovery software to recover the photos.
2. The wise man said since I had the views in my memory, I shouldn't insist on having photos of them.
3. The dumb guy couldn't offer any real solution except for revisiting all those places and retaking the photos.
The words of wisdom were too "deep" for me, so I downloaded a data recovery software, hoping to extract photos from the dead card. Unsuccessful, unfortunately.
So, the dumb guy's advice didn't seem so dumb any more. I eventually revisited the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatino and Capitol hills. Now I have the photos to prove that I've been there.
1. The IT guru suggested using a data recovery software to recover the photos.
2. The wise man said since I had the views in my memory, I shouldn't insist on having photos of them.
3. The dumb guy couldn't offer any real solution except for revisiting all those places and retaking the photos.
The words of wisdom were too "deep" for me, so I downloaded a data recovery software, hoping to extract photos from the dead card. Unsuccessful, unfortunately.
So, the dumb guy's advice didn't seem so dumb any more. I eventually revisited the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Palatino and Capitol hills. Now I have the photos to prove that I've been there.
楊絳 《走到人生邊上—自問自答》 (現正閱讀,但坦白說讀得頗為辛苦)
黄雲皓 《圖解紅樓夢建築意象》
王才强 《唐長安的數碼重建》
饒宗頤 《心經簡林》
傅月庵 《生涯一蠹魚》
三浦展 《下流社會》
河合隼雄 《日本人的傳說與心靈》
島田洋七 《佐賀的超級阿嬤》
村上春樹 《挪威的森林》 (賴明珠譯本,供參考用)
村上春樹 《神的孩子全跳舞》 (林少華譯本)
渡邊淳一 《愛的流放地》
《印刻文學生活誌》 2007年8月號
《Ready Go! 日本 關西 自駕遊》 (為年底日本自駕遊作準備)
《北海道 Super Bible》
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu 《Babel》
胡德夫 《匆匆》 (相關資料)
Matthew Pearl 《The Dante Club》
Ian Caldwell, Dustin Thomason 《The Rule of Four》
Jonathan Safran Foer 《Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close》
Jed Rubenfeld 《The Interpretation of Murder》
楊絳 《走到人生邊上—自問自答》 (現正閱讀,但坦白說讀得頗為辛苦)
黄雲皓 《圖解紅樓夢建築意象》
王才强 《唐長安的數碼重建》
饒宗頤 《心經簡林》
傅月庵 《生涯一蠹魚》
三浦展 《下流社會》
河合隼雄 《日本人的傳說與心靈》
島田洋七 《佐賀的超級阿嬤》
村上春樹 《挪威的森林》 (賴明珠譯本,供參考用)
村上春樹 《神的孩子全跳舞》 (林少華譯本)
渡邊淳一 《愛的流放地》
《印刻文學生活誌》 2007年8月號
《Ready Go! 日本 關西 自駕遊》 (為年底日本自駕遊作準備)
《北海道 Super Bible》
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu 《Babel》
胡德夫 《匆匆》 (相關資料)
Matthew Pearl 《The Dante Club》
Ian Caldwell, Dustin Thomason 《The Rule of Four》
Jonathan Safran Foer 《Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close》
Jed Rubenfeld 《The Interpretation of Murder》
Further drama with Caplio R6
Today I took more than 200 photos of the Roman Forum, The Colosseum and the Palatino Hill. Just before we started returning to the hotel, the camera reported an error in the memory card and asked me to format it. I did not, of course. But the card refused to work anymore.
I suspect that I have lost a whole day of photos! I would try my best to read the card with my computer in hotel, but I am not having any false hopes.
The worst thing is, I have no idea what caused the fatal error, the card, the battery, or the camera itself.
When I tried to transfer photos from the memory card to the computer back at the hotel room, it reported that the card was not formatted. So, a whole day of photos lost unless I can find an excellent data recovery solution!
I suspect that I have lost a whole day of photos! I would try my best to read the card with my computer in hotel, but I am not having any false hopes.
The worst thing is, I have no idea what caused the fatal error, the card, the battery, or the camera itself.
When I tried to transfer photos from the memory card to the computer back at the hotel room, it reported that the card was not formatted. So, a whole day of photos lost unless I can find an excellent data recovery solution!
Faulty Ricoh Caplio R6?
I have been using my newly purchased Ricoh Caplio R6 for the Italy trip. It performed well without any hiccups until two days before, when it indicated it failed to record a few of the pictures I took.
When I tried to transfer the photos to my computer later that night, I discovered that a total of 25 pictures were corrupted.
Not knowing the exact of the problem, I reformatted the SD card and the camera has been functioning normally since then. Hopefully, this picture corruption incident is just one-off.
When I tried to transfer the photos to my computer later that night, I discovered that a total of 25 pictures were corrupted.
Not knowing the exact of the problem, I reformatted the SD card and the camera has been functioning normally since then. Hopefully, this picture corruption incident is just one-off.
Goodbye Berlin
After two weeks in Italy, we have spent the few enjoyable days in the rejuvenated Berlin.
Tomorrow we shall be flying back to Italy to visit Rome and Sorrento/Amalfi Coast.
Tomorrow we shall be flying back to Italy to visit Rome and Sorrento/Amalfi Coast.