12-21 Columbus
12-22 シン・ウルトラマン (Shin Ultraman | 新·超人 / 新·超人力霸王)
12-24 Some Rain Must Fall (空房間裡的女人)
12-26 Chess of the Wind (風之棋局)
12-27 The Daughter
12-29 The Glassworker
12-31 초미의 관심사 (Jazzy Misfits | 梨泰院之花 / 爆裂母女反轉梨泰院)
12-21 Columbus
12-22 シン・ウルトラマン (Shin Ultraman | 新·超人 / 新·超人力霸王)
12-24 Some Rain Must Fall (空房間裡的女人)
12-26 Chess of the Wind (風之棋局)
12-27 The Daughter
12-29 The Glassworker
12-31 초미의 관심사 (Jazzy Misfits | 梨泰院之花 / 爆裂母女反轉梨泰院)
11-01 すばらしき世界 (Under the Open Sky | 東京蒼穹下 / 太陽出來之後)
11-02 Starring Jerry As Himself
11-03 The Painted Veil (愛在遙遠的附近)
11-04 Suffragette (女權之聲:無懼年代)
11-05 A Most Wanted Man (諜報風雲)
11-07 湯を沸かすほどの熱い愛 (幸福澡堂 / 幸福湯屋 / 滾燙的愛)
11-08 Le Procès Goldman (The Goldman Case | 罪後辯護)
11-09 Les Pires (The Worst Ones | 爛人)
11-10 Golden Treasure (改變命運的女孩)
11-12 Empieza el baile (Let the Dance Begin)
11-13 復讐するは我にあり (Vengeance Is Mine | 我要復仇)
11-14 두만강 (La Rivière Tumen | 圖們江 / 豆滿江)
11-15 Post Coïtum, Animal Triste (After Sex)
11-16 BU・SU(ブス | Bu Su | 醜女)
11-17 Classe Tous Risques (The Big Risk)
11-18 おくりびと (Departures | 送行者:禮儀師的樂章)
11-19 正義迴廊 (The Sparring Partner)
11-20 Paterson
11-21 Frère et Sœur (Brother and Sister | 親情風暴)
11-22 The Juniper Tree (女巫歲月)
11-23 十階のモスキート (十樓的蚊子 | Mosquito on the Tenth Floor)
11-24 Juniper
10-02 Leave the World Behind (斷訊)
10-03 My Brilliant Career (我的璀璨生涯)
10-04 Lost in Translation (迷失東京 | 愛情,不用翻譯)
10-05 Celle que vous croyez (Who You Think I Am | 別問我是誰)
10-06 À plein temps (Full Time)
10-07 うなぎ (鰻魚 | The Eel)
10-08 Nostalgia (再見拿坡里)
10-09 In the Heat of the Night (月黑風高殺人夜 | 惡夜追緝令)
10-10 天水圍的日與夜 (The Way We Are)
10-11 Pink
10-12 Esimde (This Is What I Remember)
10-13 La virgen de agosto (The August Virgin | 馬德里心旅行)
10-14 早春 (Early Spring)
10-15 L'Événement (Happening | 正發生)
10-16 すべての夜を思いだす (Remembering Every Night | 直到夜色深沉)
10-17 La región salvaje (The Untamed | 慾望)
10-18 सपनाको आवाज (The Sound of Dreaming),बाबु (Babu)
10-19 경주 (Gyeongju | 慶州 / 慶州密語)
10-20 Subtraction (德黑蘭雙面疑雲)
10-22 お遊さま (Miss Oyu | 阿遊小姐)
10-23 창밖은 겨울 (窗外是冬寂 | When Winter Comes)
10-24 Úsvit (We Have Never Been Modern)
10-25 Sentimental (The People Upstairs | 街坊誘誼賽)
10-26 Where The Wild Things Are
10-27 寧化飛灰 (Rather Be Ashes Than Dust)
10-28 Les meutes (Hounds)
10-29 天使の恋 (天使之戀 | My Rainy Days)
10-30 Fin de siglo (End of the Century)
10-31 Die Ehe der Maria Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun)