
I really shouldn't have written about the fine weather in Spain. After that post, rain and chilly wind came. It even snowed briefly in Madrid this morning. Miserable day!


Tried for the second time churros dipped in chocolate drink. Yummy!

Shall be going to Cordoba tomorrow morning. The weather has been fine so far during this trip in Spain.


Madrid, Seville, now I am in Granada. Still to do Cordoba, Madrid again and Barcelona.


Please visit the new web site of my former colleague Cathy Yip: A Wonderful World.
Looking forward to enjoying the Arsenal vs. Bolton game tomorrow afternoon at the Highbury stadium.

Have received all 4 Lisa Ekdahl CDs ordered online. I am a happy man!


I am alive and well and have finished travelling around Ireland. Am back in London for a few days before making my trip to Spain.


shall be flying out to ireland tomorrow for a week there.
hi hi i am in manchester now and shall soon be going to the old trafford stadium for the match!


Almost time to leave home to catch the 23:35 flight to London then Manchester.

On 9 March I'll be watching the second leg of the Champions League game between Manchester United and Porto in Old Trafford Stadium! But first thing first. As an Arsenal fan, I'll have to find a pub somewhere in Manchester to watch Arsenal's FA Cup game against Portmouth tomorrow.




【最愛100小說大選】書單公佈了!這次大選,就如總統選舉一樣,是全民普選。據報導,《B棟11樓》(藤井樹)、《三國演義》(羅貫中)、《天龍八部》(金庸)、《我們不結婚,好嗎?》(藤井樹)、《哈利波特1─神秘魔法石》(J.K.羅琳)、《紅樓夢》(曹雪芹)、《神鵰俠侶》(金庸)、《第8號當鋪》(深雪)、《傷心咖啡店之歌》(朱少麟)、《魔戒》(托爾金),是以筆畫順序排出的「最愛小說」票數最高前10名(參看【最愛100揭曉】看閱讀取向 時代正在變)。
Candy's Blythe has got a new home!



(成報 6/9/2002)


Thanks to Robert's help, I shall soon be getting Lisa Ekdahl's all 4 Swedish albums. In case you don't know, Robert is my brother-in-law, who lives in London and contributes a lot of travel photos to my humble site.