
People also often ask what I would miss about leaving Hong Kong. Two things: my father (mom passed away this month last year), brother and sisters, as well as the ease and inexpensiveness of buying Chinese books. Those who know me well know very well that I don't particularly like Hong Kong.
People often ask me whether I have a plan for my future life in Australia. The answer is no. All that I have planned are that I shall first settle in Brisbane and that I won't been seeking any form of employment for the foreseeable future.
Wendy 春日遊日本!

The Very Best of Jackson Browne

The Very Best of Jackson Browne on 2 CDs!!! Have I mentioned that I am a big Jackson Browne fan?

Here are two websites on him: JacksonBrowne.com and The Unofficial Jackson Browne Home Page.


I have been busy putting my books, CDs/DVDs and other things into carton boxes during the past few days. All the household belongings will then be packed for container shipping on 3 May. I shall leave Hong Kong on Wednesday night, 2 June.


Candy has built a new home for her toys - Roy & Rab and Blythe. Please click on the Roy & Rab in thailand gif below to access:


Guide for using disinfectant wet tissues: good for 6 mouths!