
觀影 2023-12

12-08 Bergmál (Echo)

12-09 Une histoire d'amour et de désir (A Tale of Love and Desire)

12-10 風櫃來的人 (The Boys from Fengkuei)

12-11 河邊的錯誤 (Only The River Flows)

12-12 Where is Anne Frank

12-13 Silver Linings Playbook (失戀自作業 / 派特的幸福劇本)

12-14 Neomanila

12-15 Munch

12-16 乳房よ永遠なれ (永恆的乳房 | Forever a Woman)

12-17 Ricordi? (Remember? | 愛,還記得嗎?)

12-19 Madres paralelas (Parallel Mothers | 平行母親)

12-20 翠絲(Tracey)

12-21 박하사탕 (Peppermint Candy | 薄荷糖)

12-22 Pendatang

12-24 Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

12-25 狗十三 (Einstein and Einstein)

12-26 A L'Abordage (All Hands on Deck | 南法撩妹記)

12-27 Anatomy of a Fall

12-28 大佛普拉斯 (The Great Buddha +)

12-29 美國女孩 (American Girl)

12-30 Last Film Show (Chhello Show | 天堂電影院)

12-31 And the Oscar goes to...


觀影 2023-11

11-01 R100

11-02 重慶森林 (Chungking Express) 下半

11-03 Zwei Leben (Two Lives | 替身風暴)

11-04 春光乍洩 (Happy Together)

11-05 The Duke (盜畫耆案)

11-06 Ma vie de Courgette (My Life as a Courgette/Zucchini | 翠玉瓜的歲月 / 酷瓜人生)

11-06 貓與蒼蠅 (Neko and Flies)

11-07 ボクたちはみんな大人になれなかった (我們都無法成為大人)

11-08 三條窄路 (Three Narrow Gates)

11-09 Lacci (The Ties | 婚姻不像你預期 / 不愛的那些年)

11-10 爸媽不在家 (Ilo Ilo)

11-11 Como Nossos Pais (Just Like Our Parents | 我們都一樣)

11-12 熱帶雨 (Wet Season)

11-13 C'mon C'mon (未來.未來)

11-14 消失的檔案 (Vanished Archives)

11-15 Cicha ziemia (Silent Land)

11-17 Seventh Code (セブンスコード | 第七碼 / 敦子求愛任務)

11-18 Une Belle Course (Driving Madeleine | 美好走一回)

11-18 Jia (家)

11-19 北のカナリアたち (北方的金絲雀)

11-20 The Duke of Burgundy (慾情勃根第)

11-22 Beast


觀影 2023-10

10-02 黃金時代 (The Golden Era)

10-03 顏 (Face)

10-04 La Caja (The Box)

10-05 The Wife (仁妻 / 賢妻 / 愛·欺)

10-06 嘉年華 (Angels Wear White)

10-07 Aftersun

10-08 Tuesday | Laps | Blue Christmas

10-09 Ang Pagbabalik ng Kwago (Leonor Will Never Die)

10-10 そばかす (Freckles | 喜歡這個我 / 這就是我)

10-11 Zgodbe iz kostanjevih gozdov (Stories from the Chestnut Woods)

10-12 狂舞派3 (The Way We Keep Dancing)

10-13 Du som er i himlen (As in Heaven)

10-14 Saint Maud (暗黑聖女)

10-15 브로커 (Broker | 嬰兒轉運站)

10-16 重慶森林 (Chungking Express) 上半

10-17 三度目の殺人 (The Third Murder | 第三度殺人)

10-18 香火 (Incense)

10-19 Mia Madre (媽媽教我愛的一切)

10-20 動態Rollingー獨立電影拍攝計劃 (Keep Rolling - Independent Filmmaking Project)

10-21 牝猫たち (Dawn of the Felines | 母貓)

10-25 無花果(Fig)

10-26 痴人の愛 (Chijin no Ai)

10-27 親愛的房客(Dear Tenant)

10-28 Magnitika pedia (Magnetic Fields)

10-29 街娃兒(Gaey Wa'r | Streetwise)

10-30 Sigurno Mjesto (Safe Place)

10-31 3cm


觀影 2023-09

09-01 Shame

09-02 다음 소희 (Next Sohee | 下一個素熙 / 陰影下的她)

09-03 もう頬づえはつかない (No More Easy Life | 不再托腮遐思)

09-04 Lantana (愛情無色無味)

09-05 野蠻人入侵 (Barbarian Invasion)

09-06 The Girl in the Book

09-07 無人駕駛 (Spacked Out)

09-08 Nowhere Special (為你找個家)

09-09 あちらにいる鬼 (在那裡的鬼 / 愛情失格)

09-10 Apocalypse Child

09-11 わたしの見ている世界が全て (Lonely Glory)

09-12 Die Fälscher (The Counterfeiters)

09-14 하루 (A Day | 一天)

09-15 The Salt in Our Waters

09-16 關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事

09-17 李米的猜想 (愛失償 | The Equation of Love and Death)

09-18 L'Appartement (The Apartment | 非常公寓)

09-19 Past Lives (從前的我們)

09-20 金夫人

09-21 Alle Anderen (Everyone Else)

09-22 Arctic (極線生機)

09-24 土を喰らう十二ヵ月 (舌尖上的禪 | The Zen Diary)

09-25 Souad

09-26 樹大招風

09-27 Rabbit Hole

09-28 Jindabyne (浮屍風景 | 一切從浮屍開始)

09-29 Night Comes On

09-30 Story of Pao (飄的故事)


觀影 2023-08

08-02 きみの鳥はうたえる (And Your Bird Can Sing | 你的鳥兒會唱歌 / 函館夜空更深藍)

08-03 一念無明 (Mad World)

08-04 L'Hermine (Courted)

08-09 풀잎들 (Grass | 草葉集)

08-10 후쿠오카 (Fukuoka | 福岡)

08-11 인트로덕션 (Introduction | 引言)

08-13 漫長的告白 (柳川 | Yanagawa)

08-14 Dalva (Love According to Dalva)

08-15 Wolf and Sheep

08-16 The Orphanage

08-17 ビリギャル (墊底辣妹 / 奇蹟補習社)

08-18 危樓春曉

08-19 Meditation Park

08-20 暴烈無聲

08-21 Drii Winter (A Piece of Sky)

08-22 Code inconnu (Code Unknown)

08-23 半生緣 (Eighteen Springs)

08-24 光を追いかけて (Follow the Light)

08-25 Ma' Rosa (私法拘留)

08-26 최선의삶 (Snowball | 飄零人生)

08-27 千里走單騎 (Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles)

08-28 Petrol

08-29 Only Lovers Left Alive (噬血戀人 / 永生情人)

08-30 男人四十 (July Rhapsody)

08-31 The Ice Storm (冰風暴)


觀影 2023-07

07-01 窄路微塵 (The Narrow Road)

07-02 시 (Poetry | 詩 / 生命之詩)

07-03 Madeleine Collins

07-04 Apprentice (身後仕)

07-05 La Pianiste (The Piano Teacher)

07-06 ケイコ目を澄ませて (惠子的凝視 / 惠子不能輸 | Small, Slow but Steady)

07-07 Lola

07-08 헤어질 결심 (Decision to Leave | 分手的決心)

07-09 マイスモールランド (My Small Land | 芳寸之地)

07-10 Clara Sola

07-11 Certified Copy

07-12 小美

07-13 La Dune (The Dune)

07-14 자산어보 (茲山魚譜 | The Book of Fish)

07-15 地球最後一個夜晚

07-16 Limbo

07-17 Jane B. par Agnès V.

07-18 CODA

07-19 電影往事 / 夢影童年 (Electric Shadows)

07-21 金都 (My Prince Edward)

07-22 狂舞派 (The Way We Dance)

07-23 胡越的故事 (The Story of Woo Viet)

07-24 富美子の足 (富美子的腳)

07-25 那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅VAN (The Midnight After)


觀影 2023-06

06-01 悲情城市 (A City of Sadness)

06-02 ལུང་ནག་ན (Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom | 不丹是教室)

06-03 1976 (Chile '76)

06-04 Moja Vesna

06-05 夜奔

06-06 Kraben Rahu (Manta Ray)

06-07 乱 (Ran | 亂)

06-08 ある男 (那個男人 | A Man)

06-10 不止不休

06-14 ལག་དམར་ (撞死了一隻羊 | Jinpa)

06-15 Nymphomaniac vol.2 (性愛成癮的女人 第二部)

06-16 眩~北斎の娘 (Kurara: The Dazzling Life of Hokusai's Daughter)

06-17 The Big Chill (山水又相逢)

06-18 Song Lang (雙郎)

06-19 Hit The Road

06-20 とんび (鳶)

06-21 Pather Panchali (Song of the Little Road | 大地之歌)

06-22 Lingui, The Sacred Bonds

06-23 벌새 (House of Hummingbird | 我們與愛的距離 / 蜂鳥)

06-24 幻日手記 (Far Away Eyes)

06-25 花束みたいな恋をした (We Made a Beautiful Bouquet | 花束般的戀愛)

06-26 Hiruk Pikuk Si Alkisah (The Science of Fictions)

06-27 This Is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection

06-28 陽光普照 (A Sun)

06-29 瀑布 (The Falls)

06-30 The Wicker Man (異教徒)


觀影 2023-05

05-07 Sedmikrásky (Daisies)

05-08 靜靜的嘛呢石

05-09 灼人秘密 (Nina Wu)

05-10 Beijing Spring (北京之春)

05-11 Tristana

05-12 塔洛 (Tharlo)

05-13 Le Passé (The Past)

05-14 Ema

05-15 Año Bisiesto (Leap Year)

05-16 老狗

05-17 蝶變

05-19 Repulsion (冷血驚魂)

05-20 大餓

05-21 Ghost World (黐孖妹)

05-22 The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

05-23 Shirley

05-24 I'm Not There

05-25 氣球 (Balloon)

05-26 Above The Clouds

05-27 Nymphomaniac vol.1 (性愛成癮的女人 第一部)

05-28 ノルウェイの森 (Norwegian Wood | 挪威的森林)

05-29 Rabbit-Proof Fence

05-30 Sorry We Missed You

05-31 Les Créatures (The Creatures)


觀影 2023-04

04-01 À bout de souffle (Breathless | 斷了氣)

04-02 Lara

04-03 臥虎藏龍 (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)

04-04 Benedetta

04-06 Los insólitos peces gato (The Amazing Catfish)

04-07 Cléo de 5 à 7 (Cléo from 5 to 7)

04-08 Amanda

04-09 Sexual Drive (舌尖上的高潮)

04-10 You're Ugly Too

04-11 Carol

04-12 心迷宮

04-13 吳清源

04-14 Under The Fig Trees

04-15 Charade (謎中謎 / 花都奇遇結良緣)

04-16 Hedi

04-17 小城之春

04-18 一見鍾情

04-19 The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai's Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom

04-20 戦慄せしめよ (Shiver)

04-21 少年吔,安啦!

04-22 Pickpocket (扒手)

04-22 Procès de Jeanne d'Arc (The Trial of Joan of Arc | 聖女貞德的審判)

04-23 Capharnaüm (Capernaum)

04-24 四月物語

04-25 Loving Vincent

04-26 野馬分鬃 (Striding Into The Wind)

04-27 Honey Boy

04-28 陽光燦爛的日子

04-29 Between Worlds


觀影 2023-03

03-01 Bad Genius

03-02 You Will Die At Twenty

03-03 Que Dios nos perdone (May God Save Us)

03-04 Next to Her

03-05 我11 (11 Flowers)

03-06 Miss Marx

03-07 風中有朵雨做的雲

03-08 A Hero

03-09 少年 (May You Stay Forever Young)

03-10 Schwesterlein (My Little Sister)

03-11 L'attesa (The Wait)

03-12 Skies of Lebanon

03-13 浮城謎事

03-14 SG̲aawaay Ḵ'uuna (Edge of the Knife)

03-15 静かな生活 (A Quiet Life | 靜靜的生活)

03-16 夜を走る (Drive Into Night)

03-17 Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows | 四百擊)

03-18 Hytti nro 6 (Compartment No. 6 | 邂逅在六號車廂)

03-19 I Doulia tis (Her Job)

03-20 Minari (夢想之地)

03-21 Amator (Camera Buff | 電影狂)

03-22 La Notte (The Night | 夜)

03-23 You Were Never Really Here

03-24 Blow-up (春光乍洩)

03-25 Un divan à Tunis (Arab Blues)

03-26 跟縱 (Eye in the Sky)

03-27 非常突然 (Expect the Unexpected)

03-28 Spotlight

03-29 Blizna (The Scar)

03-30 Room

03-31 ดาวคะนอง (Dao Khanong | By The Time It Gets Dark)


觀影 2023-02

02-04 Miele (Honey)

02-05 山河故人 (Mountains May Depart)

02-06 A Single Man

02-07 Jules et Jim (Jules and Jim)

02-08 淵に立つ (Harmonium | 臨淵而慄)

02-09 Murina

02-10 Le Mépris (Contempt | 輕蔑/春情金絲貓)

02-11 La baie des anges (Bay of Angels)

02-12 夏美のホタル (夏美的螢火蟲)

02-13 An Cailín Ciúin (The Quiet Girl)

02-14 여자는 남자의 미래다 (Woman Is The Future Of Man | 女人是男人的未來)

02-15 Mustang (少女離家記)

02-16 Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (Portrait of a Lady on Fire | 燃燒女子的畫像)

02-17 車手 (Motorway)

02-18 La Pointe Courte (短角情事)

02-19 Верность (Fidelity)

02-20 風花

02-21 Une femme est une femme (A Woman Is a Woman | 女人就是女人)

02-22 Зеркало (Mirror)

02-23 Room in Rome

02-24 Les hirondelles de Kaboul (The Swallows of Kabul | 喀布爾之燕)

02-25 Una mujer fantástica (A Fantastic Woman)

02-26 The Home Song Stories (意)

02-27 Kung-Fu Master!

02-28 Navalny


觀影 2023-01

01-01 The Father

01-04 Jackie

01-06 The Post

01-07 マザーウォーター (母親河)

01-08 路過未來

01-09 En ganske snill mann (A Somewhat Gentle Man)

01-10 台風クラブ (颱風俱樂部)

01-11 A Hard Day's Night

01-13 麥子的蓋頭

01-14 Ága

01-15 Rolling Stones: Live At The Max

01-16 偶然と想像 (Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy | 偶然與想像)

01-18 Nous Finirons Ensemble (Little White Lies 2 / We'll End Up Together)

01-20 三人行 (Three)

01-22 극장전 (Tale of Cinema | 劇場前)

01-23 夜車

01-24 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters