
觀影 2024-05

05-01 Petite Maman (Little Mother)

05-02 올빼미 (The Night Owl | 晝盲神探)

05-03 楢山節考 (The Ballad of Narayama) (今村昌平版)

05-04 The Patience Stone

05-05 Saremo giovani e bellissimi (We'll be young and beautiful)

05-06 道頓堀川 (Lovers Lost)

05-07 炎上 (Conflagration)

05-08 Apur Sansar (The World of Apu | 大樹之歌)

05-09 You Resemble Me

05-10 Mystery Road

05-11 老狐狸 (Old Fox)