
Is there a reset button on my body?

Two days ago, wireless internet access suddenly refused to work. I used all my computer tricks to try to fix the problem, to no avail.

A self proclaimed computer guru friend of mine told me that when a computer is in trouble, switch it off and then switch on again. Very often, the problem will be gone.

And so I switched off then switch on the computer. Didn't work. Then I unplugged and replugged the router. Didn't work either. Frustrated, I rebooted it from within the setting page of the router. Didn't work. Worse still, I lost access to the setting page.

Today, I admitted defeat and pressed a button on the router to return it to the factory setting. And voila, access to the setting page was restored and after keying in a few parameters, wireless internet worked as well.

I guess I will never have any idea what actually went wrong in the first place. But the point is, everything is fine now. What more can I ask for?

How I wish I had a similar reset button on my body. When in trouble (physical or psychological), just press it, and everything is fine again. Wouldn't it be great?

4 則留言:

  1. It can be great but something uncertain is that you will have no idea when your body would not work again. Do we human prefer a forseeable life or not?? haha.

  2. when faced with problems, especially the psychological ones, everyone should act as if there is indeed a reset button on one's body. press it, forget about the past and start afresh.

  3. yes, everyone should write his/her own book of laughter and forgetting.

    people often say that i am usually very cheerful. i wouldn't deny i have so far been lucky in life, so there is much to be cheerful about.

    but very importantly, i tend to forget things easily. nothing seems to be able to bother me for very long. if shit happened, i wouldn't be able to recall it after i wake up the next day. but freud would probably say this is just repression and the shit will resurface some time in the future, yuck.

    the problem is, i also tend to forget good things and good friends as well. out of sight, out of mind ma. so, you better keep up with adding new entries to your blog, otherwise it would be "out of your site, out of my mind" :-)

  4. did you notice that i just changed the subtitle of this blog to "隨處惹塵埃"? that was because of my knowing that i can have you to turn to to dust them off, now that you are becoming a master buddhist scholar.
