
The Decisive Moment for Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004)

Cartier-Bresson, Artist Who Used Lens, Dies at 95 (Michael Kimmelman, New York Times, 4/8/04)

View Finder: Henri Cartier-Bresson Was the Master Hunter of the Human Expression (Henry Allen, Washington Post, 5/8/04)

Master of the Decisive Moment (The Australian [from The Times], 6/8/04)

The man who knew now (Raghu Rai, Hindustan Times, 6/8/04)

Kingdoms of the world in a moment (The Economist, 5/8/04)

The Decisive Machine: How Henri Cartier-Bresson made both commerce and art from imagery (Charles Paul Freund, Reason, 5/8/04)

Magnum Photos, including Henri Cartier-Bresson - Retrospective

Peter Fetterman Gallery: Gallery Artists: Henri Cartier-Bresson

Tete a Tete: Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson

Decisive Moments - Henri Cartier-Bresson (photography.about.com)

