
Economists' Ethics

The Real News: Should Economists Declare Conflicts of Interest? (an interview with Gerald Epstein)

Gerald Epstein: Ethics and Credibility at the American Economics Association

Sewell Chan: Academic Economists to Consider Ethics Code | Letter Calls on Economists to Adopt Code of Ethics (Letter signed by 300 economists)

Annie Lowrey: The Economics of Economists' Ethics

When the American Economic Association kicks off its annual meeting tomorrow in Denver, the normally staid convention will be tinged with controversy: On the agenda is whether economists should adopt a code of ethical standards. The proposal comes after the housing crisis, the credit crunch, the financial crisis, the recession, the collapse of several European economies, and the overhaul of U.S. banking regulation dealt their respective blows to the prestige of the profession. More to the point, it comes after a long series of notable economists offered opinions or wrote papers pertaining to those events without disclosing major conflicts of interest.

Edward Glaeser: Where to Draw a Line on Ethics

Janine Wedel & Linda Keenan: Shadow Elite: Do Economists Need a Code of Ethics?

George DeMartino: On the need for professional economic ethics

James Kwak: Disclosure Rules for Economists

Peter Radford: Ethics, Politics, and Economists

Charles Ferguson: Larry Summers and the Subversion of Economics

Emily Flitter, Kristina Cooke & Pedro da Costa: For some professors, disclosure is academic (PDF version)

Alain Sherter: Dismal Ethicists: Why Economists Should Cut — Not Only Disclose — Corporate Ties

The Economist: Dismal Ethics | Inside Jobs

Jonathan Wight: "Inside Job" is a Provocative Movie

Ethics and Economics

- George Stigler: Economics or Ethics?

- Amartya Sen: On Ethics and Economics

- Jonathan Aldred: The skeptical economist: revealing the ethics inside economics

- Paul Heyne: “Are Economists Basically Immoral?” and Other Essays on Economics, Ethics, and Religion

- Donna Rowen and Michael Dietrich: Incorporating Ethics into Economics: Problems and Possibilities

- Economics and Ethics (blog)

