
Our Daily Bread 超簡易無添加免揉捏慢發酵家常麵包

- Super easy, no additives
- 100% no kneading, slow proofing
- Only use flour, yeast, water & salt (sugar and sesame optional)

Basically follow the no-kneading method in the video, but with variations (mainly in 2nd proofing, to make it 100% no-kneading).

Ingredients: 3 cup bread flour (we substitute 1/2 cup with wholemeal flour), 1 1/2 teasp salt, 1 1/4 teasp yeast, 1 1/2 cup water, 1 teasp sugar (optional), sesame (optional)

- Mix the ingredients to form a wet sticky dough
- 1st proofing: 8-18 hrs, depending on room temp, till doubling in size
- Fold the dough 10-20 times with a wet scraper
- Dump the dough into a container lined with baking paper to avoid sticking
- 2nd proofing: around 1.5 hrs
- Preheat baking container (with lid) at 230-250C for 30 mins
- Pour the dough into the container and bake at 230C for 30 mins
- Remove lid and lower temp to 200C and bake for another 10 mins

