

Performing tonight in Brisbane: Body Remix / Goldberg Variations

International dance sensation Marie Chouinard's new work Body Remix / Goldberg Variations is a powerful contemporary ballet in two acts.

The company of ten dancers creates a spellbinding performance in response to Johann Sebastian Bach's Goldberg Variations by using different devices including crutches, rope, prostheses and harnesses.

The use of accessories gives rise to unusual shapes, precise gestures and playful movements as the dancers test the limits of physical freedom and echo the human condition through subtle, extravagant, sumptuous and wild choreography.

Musically, it features Variations 5, 6 and 8 from Bach's Goldberg Variations (played by Louis Dufort) plus "vocal extracts of Glenn Gould"!

Compagnie Marie Chouinard (a short video of the work is available)

2 則留言:

  1. 曾兄去看了body reMix嗎?年初Marie Chouinard來台可惜不是這個舞碼,那次跳的是Orpheus et Euridice,很棒,我有記過那次的演出,大概是三、四月吧。

  2. 沒有啊。我可是寫了Scott Ross郭德堡後偶然在報上看到一篇宣傳Body Remix演出的新聞。我對表演藝術一向興趣不大。
