
Heartbreaking chart

for an Aussie who'll be visiting Japan next month

6 則留言:

  1. Joe,

    I can only say I was so lucky to have visited Japan in May/June...

  2. Lucky you! I'll try very hard not to mentally convert Japanese prices into Aussie prices during the trip :-(

  3. i'm going to japan too next month. i'll go to the Northeast region. yen is expensive but it's nothing when compared with losses in asset prices.

  4. Losses in asset prices are devastating to everybody, including me who do not directly own stocks.

    Still, when one is traveling in Japan and one sees a bowl of ramen costing say 800 yen, one probably would mentally convert the price into the currency one is most familiar with, which in my case is the Aussie dollar. You probably wouldn't convert it into the equivalent number of HSBC shares, would you? :-)

    Anyway, have fun and forget things you wouldn't want to remember.

  5. Why do you have to remind me about the HSBC shares??? :< Since yen is so expensive now I will probably opt for Europe, though I think it's the best to stay in HK and not spend any $$ at the moment.

  6. let's just say that spending money traveling overseas despite suffering heavy losses in asset prices is an act of defiance to this cruel world!
