
觀讀聽 18/1/09


下星期澳洲網球公開賽開鑼,又是做couch potato的時候了。是的,網球界現在是底線抽擊的天下,越來越不好看。不過,就像Arsenal越來越不好看一樣,未到絕望之日,還是忍不住繼續邊罵邊看。


電影方面,看了Phyllida Lloyd的Mama Mia!,Leif Lindblom的Sunstorm/Solstorm,和Marc Forster的Stranger Than Fiction,都很不錯,尤以後者為甚,故事新鮮有趣,真的是stranger than fiction。

Mama Mia!和Stranger than Fiction大家可能比較熟悉,下面是瑞典片Solstorm的預告片和簡介:

In a small town in the northern most regions of Sweden, the aurora borealis stains the night sky with a green glow that seems to offset the long and endless black of night. Successful lawyer Rebecka Martinsson returns to her hometown to help her childhood friend, Sanna, who is wanted for questioning over the murder of her brother Viktor, a charismatic and charming evangelical pastor who was also Rebecka’s teen-love. At the edges of the Arctic Circle, Rebecka must face her past life as she undertakes an investigation into the circumstances around her old friend’s death. (World Movies)

