據王才強的《唐長安的數碼重建/A Digital Reconstruction of Tang Chang'an》,連接皇城朱雀門與城南大門明德門,長達5千米的朱雀大街(又稱天街),“寬約150-155m,相當於今天的42車道公路”!此外,其他的5條大街,寬度也都在120-134m之間。那可是距今千多年前的“馬路”的狀況啊!人要橫越的話,不知有多困難和要花多少時間?
唐長安鳥瞰圖 | 朱雀大街
參考:A reconstruction of Tang Period CHANG'AN
I have questions not related to your "小巫見大巫", or remotely I can say, a 小巫 like me would like to read something from the 大巫. Need your advice of the below: 1) I want to buy 1-2 books by Krugman, since he has too many, any good suggestions? 2) again, 1-2 books by Hayek, "Road to Serfdom" too scholastic? You have devoted a specific section in your website to him, and must have very good suggestions. 3) "Catholic Church" by Hans Kung a good reading? I know this guy questioned the infallibility of the Church/Pope decades ago.
回覆刪除If you live next door to me, I can save a lot of money buying books?? Hahaha.
Pls read this:
回覆刪除Krugman, Hayek and Kung