

- 近來,天然災害不斷,親朋病患連連(自己也是黃腫腳不消提),有點無奈。

- 然而,冬去春近,天氣暖和,出遊在即,我告訴自己,實在沒理由不感到興奮。

- 只談開心事!

- 球季開鑼在即,Arsenal本土歐洲出擊,季末照例的失望和挫敗還是大半年後的事。目前,充滿希望。

- 近期觀讀運氣奇佳,碰到不少好作品。重松清的舞姬通信,談自殺,談自殺的自由,談以自殺為志願的道理。對死那麼執迷沉溺,我不能理解,但小說的確寫得好。

- Roman de Gare/Cross Tracks,一部編導演俱佳的推理電影。引人入勝。

(From IMDb) The successful novelist Judith Ralitzer is interrogated in the police station about the disappearance of her ghost-writer. A serial-killer escapes from a prison in Paris. A missing school teacher leaves his wife and children. In the road, the annoying and stressed hairdresser Hughette is left in a gas station by her fiancé Paul while driving to the poor farm of her family in the country. A mysterious man offers a ride to her and she invites him to assume the identity of Paul during 24 hours to not disappoint her mother. Who might be the unknown man and what is real and what is fiction?

- Doubt, without a doubt, is a good film。劇本一流,演技一流,但始終有點話劇味道。以電影論,由純良正直的Sister James引領觀眾思考判斷,有點“露”。電影最後一幕,明明白白地告訴觀眾深信不疑者原來也有疑惑,“露”得更過分,算是敗筆,也是美國片的通病。

- 聽音樂!

