今早去看Rabbit Hole十點九早場。剛過十點已到達目的地,決定先到電影院換票。
- 背景:兔年兔氣揚眉中獎看兔窟!
- 順帶一提,今天清晨是Arsenal迷大日子,歐聯對Barcelona(Arsenal勝出!)。英國夜波這邊清晨5:45直播。我太緊張,半夜兩點已醒來,四點迷迷糊糊倒在沙發上小睡。看完波又要駕車去看電影(之後還要陪太座購物和吃巨型雪糕),身心不疲是騙你的。幸好我有一門絕技,邊開車邊閉目養神 :-)
- 電影本身無甚新意。
原來,這電影院逢星期四推出Reel Moms早場,票價不單便宜(10塊,加送morning tea),而且場內燈光不會全暗,音量調得略低,不致驚嚇嬰兒。根據電影院的介紹,The lights are dimmed (never completely dark) and the sound is monitored so that it is not too loud to startle the babies. It is loud enough that you are able to hear the film over the baby sounds. Other patrons do not mind if your baby cries because at any given time there could be several crying babies. Everyone is in the same situation so they are not bothered by it. Parents are free to get up and walk in the aisles or foyer area with baby.