


看他一篇篇討論F. Scott Fitzgerald、Edmund Wilson、Eugene O'Neill、Lawrence Block、Irwan Shaw、Truman Capote、Tennessee Williams方才驚覺,我幾乎從未涉獵美國文學。其實,我至今亦從未踏足美國,莫非我是天生反美狂?



8 則留言:

  1. 你也讀得書少?那我是從不讀書的人了!我喜歡的作家,不是死了,便是封筆!

  2. 我也覺得自己勉强可算是愛讀之人,但若問讀過甚麼,又不大答得出。可能因為讀過的,多數不明甚解或早已忘得一乾二淨。

  3. If you would like to try more Japanese modern literature, I strongly recommend "Kokoro" or 心 in kanji by Natsume Souseki 夏目漱石.
    I would even recommend you to study Japanese in order to read the original version of this wonderful novel. Check out more information in Wikipedia. You are going to Japan, pls pay attention to the 10,000 Yen note, and you can see how 漱石 looks. Japanese love to read literature and respect this gentleman so much, much higher than Kawabata Yasunani the first Japanese Nobel laureate in literature in 1976. Unfortunately, the new 10,000 Yen note issued in recent years features another guy. Perhaps those who love to read are the older generation and have left the almighty Okura Sho.

  4. 自己知自己事,天生懶骨頭,要學日文而達到能讀文學原著境界,無 可 能。



  5. 谷崎潤一郎is another wonderful author who died in 1950s or 60s. He has many many famous novels. I have not read too many of those, but would recommend 卍(Manji), 細雪(Sasameyuki), 痴人の愛
    (Chijin no Ai), 春琴抄(Shunkinshō).
    You may again check out more in Wikipedai, his name in English is
    Jun'ichirō Tanizaki.

    夏目漱石's I Am a Cat (吾輩は猫である) is for easy reading, but still very good. Sanshiro (三四郎), And Then (それから) and The Gate (門) are the most famous 3-part series, but rather difficult. You need to sat down, clear your mind and start reading with all your concentration. But this is definitely an experience.

    I am also sure that there is movie based on "And Then". I have not watched, but comments from friends are good.

  6. 哈,原來日本經典小說雖然讀過的不多,改編自日本經典小說的電影倒是看過不少。除川端康成的幾部和羅生門外,你提到的小說的電影版我也看過幾部:其後,痴人之愛和細雪。




  7. To you, 痴人之愛,一生難忘. This is a very interesting comment. I have not watched the movie, and do not plan to, or it is better to say that, I dare not to. I read the novel many many years ago when I was in a certain stage of my life that I do not want to recall. If I watch the movie, I would ... no, I cannot.
    I also try to look at the turning figure in another entry in your blog. In most of the cases, 90% or above, I see it turning clockwise, and in some cases, if I try, I can see it turning anti-clockwise. Same as you, I am very surprised to learn that I am more a right-brain guy. In my education and career, I have been trying to use my left brain. Perhaps deep inside me, I am still a right brain person. I believe, a right-brain person reads novels (or watch movies) from an angle rather different from a left-brain person. I am not saying which one is better. However, if we talk about 一生難忘 or 刻骨銘心, right-brain persons will be easier to fall into that state of mind. Agree?

  8. well, if you ask me whether i trust what the test tells about myself or what i understand about myself, i certainly would choose the latter :-)

    i have finished 遠藤周作's 《沉默》, and am reading his 《我‧拋棄了的‧女人》. Hope I could read one or two 夏目漱石 before i leave for shikoku. i understand that 夏目漱石 is everywhere in shikoku's matsuyama city.
