
六四燭光晚會 大會指定道具

4 則留言:

  1. If you were in HK this year, would you join the candle light vigil? Next year is the 20th anniversary, will you come back and join??

  2. "No" to both questions. As a rule, i do not join vigils, demonstrations or sit-ins, the only two exceptions being 4 Jun 1989 and 1 July 2003.

  3. Understand the 1989 one, but why the 2003? After so many years of socialisation in the capitalistic society, why did the 2003 event make you feel so much different?

  4. the 1989 demonstration was a specific one. in contrast, different people joined the 1 july 2003 demonstration for very different reasons, the only common thread being a total frustration of how badly hong kong was run since becoming an SAR of china.
