
To be young gifted and black

(Nina Simone)

To be young, gifted and black,
Oh what a lovely precious dream
To be young, gifted and black,
Open your heart to what I mean

In the whole world you know
There are billion boys and girls
Who are young, gifted and black,
And that’s a fact!

You are young, gifted and black
We must begin to tell our young
There’s a world waiting for you
This is a quest that’s just begun

When you feel really low
Yeah, there’s a great truth you should know
When you’re young, gifted and black
Your soul’s intact

Young, gifted and black
How I long to know the truth
There are times when I look back
And I am haunted by my youth

Oh but my joy of today
Is that we can all be proud to say
To be young, gifted and black
Is where it’s at

4 則留言:

  1. 很不錯聽耶!! 我要來找找,台灣買不買得到

  2. 這歌最近重新受人關注,原因當然是那位young gifted and black候任美國總統。

  3. Obama當選那晚,我在台灣新聞頻道看他的當選演說,看見百萬人群聚集廣場流淚歡呼,心中十分感動。希望這位背負百年期待,young gifted and black的年青總統能不負這許多人的盼望。
    Nina Simone唱來自信有力,果然好聽啊!

  4. Nina Simone唱歌,有自信,有狠勁,絕不溫溫吞吞。所以我說,她是人中豪傑。

