
Cualquier Sistema 無視我們意願建立的任何制度必被推倒

Leonard Cohen的一首反詩Any System,向來讀者不多,也談不上引起過什麼社會迴響。

Any system you contrive without us
will be brought down
We warned you before
and nothing that you built has stood
Hear it as you lean over your blueprint
Hear it as you roll up your sleeve
Hear it once again
Any system you contrive without us
will be brought down

You have your drugs
You have your guns
You have your Pyramids your Pentagons
With all your grass and bullets
you cannot hunt us any more
All that we disclose of ourselves forever
is this warning
Nothing that you built has stood
Any system you contrive without us
will be brought down

Any System來自他1972年出版的詩集The Energy of SlavesCohen告訴當權者:無視我們意願建立的任何制度,必被推倒。不是沒有警告過你,而你也知道,過往築起來的無一尚存)

在2007年的一張致敬演唱會大碟Acordes Con Leonard Cohen(According to Leonard Cohen,演唱會全本)中,Constantino Romero以西班牙文吟詩 ...

... 竟令Cualquier Sistema在其後亂紛紛慘兮兮的地球上成為有力抗爭詩!


Any System,是時候來個中譯版,到處吟唱了!


