
Sunday Times 假新聞警號誤鳴


- 立場新聞:英媒:中共列港14出版社為黑名單 下達「廣東行動計劃」 從源頭剷除禁書

銅鑼灣書店失蹤事件持續令國際關注,英國報章《星期日泰晤士報》昨日報道引述一份中共內部名為〈廣東行動計劃(Guangdong ActionPlan)的內部文件顯示,計劃自去年4月開始,目標不止是銅鑼灣書店,文件把香港14家出版社及21本刊物列入黑名單,由中共高層授權廣東省跨境執法,稱要從源頭清除禁書。

今早看到不少中文媒體,引述Sunday Times披露的Guangdong Action Plan,自然想讀原文。但多番google search這兩個關鍵詞,都沒能找到原文連結。

心中響起警號,莫非是假新聞?後來在另一篇中文譯述,看到原文的截圖,知道新聞標題為Leaked: China Plan to Hit Rebels Overseas。以此再找,果然找到。當然,因為Times/ Sunday Times屬收費網站,所以點擊google連結後也只能看到新聞的開首,但起碼知道,這是真新聞,剛才心中警號,乃誤鳴。

- Sunday Times: Leaked: China plan to hit rebels overseas

AN INTERNAL Chinese Communist party document has tied the recent disappearances of dissident book publishers, including a British citizen, to a party order to unleash its security services on opponents in exile. 
It describes measures to “exterminate” banned books and magazines at their source, identifying 14 publishing houses and 21 publications in Hong Kong as targets.

心裡始終不明白,為何用Guangdong Action Plan找不到,但用標題就可以。

多做一點功課,原來是我對Times/Sunday Times的認識太淺(因幾乎不讀)。原來幾年前該報系改為全收費網站後,為搜尋器提供indexing的政策也改變,且變得非常嚴格。初期該報系的所有內容通通不提供給google搜尋。後來為吸引付費讀者,放寬一點,只提供新聞的標題和內文首兩句作 indexing,點擊搜尋器連結進入後只能讀到首幾句,要讀全文只能付費。(很多其他收費網站都提供全文作search indexing)

- Guardian: Times and Sunday Times to allow limited content to appear on Google

Rupert Murdoch's News International is to make headlines and limited content from Times and Sunday Times articles available on Google search, two years after the newspapers were put behind a strict digital paywall. 
News International will start allowing the first two sentences of articles to appear within Google's search listings, as part of a "limited free preview" strategy to attract new readers to its paid-for digital subscription packages. 
The new strategy will offer a few sentences of articles with a button to click through which says "subscribe now to see full article".

所以,這次因為Guangdong Action Plan並未出現在標題或首兩句,導致我差點自以為是,認定google不到的就是一則假新聞。



- 852郵報:行動疑涉大陸「清源2015」專項 港出版商黑名單去年早曝光


