

- Aaron Friedberg: Beware the China Reset - Biden shouldn’t be tempted by business as usual with Beijing

If he is elected as U.S. president in November, Joe Biden will come under intense pressure to seek a reset in relations with China, of the kind that President Barack Obama once sought to extend to Russia. Yielding to this pressure would be a serious mistake. Despite its excesses and omissions, the Trump administration has done the right thing by beginning to push back against Beijing. Biden should build on what he inherits, keeping the good policies, discarding the bad, and eliminating the ugliness that has marred Donald Trump’s presidency and damaged the nation’s ability to meet its greatest strategic challenge.

Trump deserves credit for presiding over an administration that finally, fully accepted the reality of the challenge posed by China and began to implement some of the policies that will be needed in order to meet it. But Trump’s protectionist, isolationist impulses, corrosive and divisive leadership, and contempt for democratic principles have weakened the nation from within and render him uniquely ill-suited to lead it forward. If he wins, Joe Biden should reject the idea of a reset and pick up where Trump left off.
(試譯) 若拜登11月當選美國總統,他將面臨巨大壓力,要求他尋求重啟與中國的關係,就像奧巴馬總統當年尋求處理與俄羅斯的關係一樣。屈服於這種壓力將是個嚴重的錯誤。儘管特朗普政府有其過激也有不及之處,但它開始反擊北京的做法是正確的。拜登應該在他所繼承的基礎上,保留好的政策,摒棄壞的政策,清除那些玷污特朗普總統任期、和損害國家應對最大戰略挑戰能力的醜惡現象。


- (Aaron Friedberg近期另一文章: An Answer to Aggression - How to Push Back Against Beijing

