

- The worrying precedent in China’s quarrel with Australia - Democratic countries should co-ordinate responses to pressure from Beijing (Editorial Board of the Financial Times, 2020-11-26)
The rapid deterioration in the relationship between Beijing and Canberra is much more than a bilateral affair. It demonstrates how a more assertive China is now seeking to intimidate nations that are a long way from its shores, by resorting to a bullying style of “wolf warrior” diplomacy. The treatment of Australia sets a worrying precedent ...... Democratic countries should watch this conflict closely and be prepared to support each other in pushing back against Chinese pressure. Without such co-ordination, Beijing will be encouraged in its efforts to divide and rule, inflicting real political and economic damage on democratic countries that defy its will. 
(金融時報編輯委員會)中國與澳洲關係的迅速惡化遠不止是個雙邊事件。它表明了一個更加強硬的中國現在如何通過霸凌式"狼戰"外交手段,試圖威嚇其他國家。對待澳洲的做法開創了令人擔憂的先例 ...... 民主國家應密切關注這衝突,並準備好相互支持,反擊中國的壓迫。沒有這種協調,北京就會變本加厲,通過分而治之,對違背其意志的民主國家造成政治和經濟損害。

