

可能因為一個比川普(Trump)登基更多人參與的群眾活動即將舉行,在Women's March on Washington前夕(美國和世界其他城市也有同樣活動),連續讀到兩篇女選民與川普的分析文章,其中重點·審視為何過半白女,寧選川普不要希拉莉。

- Melissa Deckman: Why did women vote for Trump?

- Vox: The women who helped Donald Trump win

Quartz video: The women who voted for Donald Trump

後來,在電視上報刊上社交媒體上看關於Women's March的報導,還是聚焦於明星名人意見領袖大駡川普。


- Hanna Kozlowska: Women for and against Trump discuss women’s rights in a post-Obama America (Quartz)

- Vox: What celebrities? Scenes from the brilliant, messy, chaotic Women's March

- New York Times: After Success of Women’s March, a Question Remains: What’s Next?

The challenge facing the organizers is how to channel the resolve and outrage of an organic protest into action that produces political change at the local and national level. It is a goal that has eluded other popular movements, from Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter. And it is a daunting task, given that Democrats were unable to defeat President Trump in 2016 despite an emerging demographic majority.

