
Does the World Trade Organisation promote trade?

In "Is there any point to the WTO?", The Economist (4/8/05) examines follow-ups to the 2002 study by Andrew Rose which concluded that there was no evidence to suggest that WTO/GATT promoted trade.

-- China and the WTO --

3 則留言:

  1. This is truely a topic to be looked into. Should we say that there is actually no free trade in this world, after accounting for the contribution of organisations like WTO and the recent protectionism in EU and US? Trade Without Boundary exists virtually in our modern world.

  2. may be there's no "free trade" in this world, but definitely international trade is now more free than in the pre-war years. the question is, and this is what these studies have been trying to answer, is whether wto has played a significant role in liberalising trade.

  3. trade should be a 2-way exercise, and so the question is whether wto liberalises both trading parties to exchange...added on the rationale to liberalise, it's equally important to study if this liberalisation is fair. The background of wto and the power of the nations do draw some lines on the topic of fair trade, at least someone thinks it's fair, while someone not.
    It's not an easy question to answer.
