
May be I should start drinking wine

There is a grape glut in Australia and prices of wine are falling.

What kind of world is this? Water is scare but wine is dirt cheap!

Wine selling for just $2 a bottle has been greeted with cheers by drinkers, who happily deride it as "two-buck chuck". But winemakers and grape growers say such steep discounts are pushing them to the wall.

Grape growers are being told to bulldoze their vines and are selling off their water allocations - the only marketable asset they have left.

(both from The Weekend Australian, 22-23/7/-6)

2 則留言:

  1. that's why i like coming to australia ;p

  2. then why not come again, soon?

    we just finished a bottle, but the problem is, it took us 4 days to finish it.
