書讀了Andrew Kohut和Bruce Stokes合著的《America Against the World: How We Are Different and Why We Are Disliked》,還有郭伯南的《飯後茶餘談文化:賞心樂事》。
The authors examine how America and the Americans are different (American exceptionalism), and why they are disliked (anti-Americanism), based on survey results from the Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project over the years.
Here I quote the last two paragraphs from the book:
"In the end, American exceptionalism, all that it is and all that it isn't, is what shapes attitutes toward the United States around the world. Much of what fuels current anti-American sentiment around the world - perceptions of American nationalism and religiosity - is misinformed. A better understanding of the American people could change that. Many American attitudes that frustrate foreigners, particularly a propensity to act unilaterally, are dependent on the times and leadership. They too can change. But much of what makes Americans distinctive - their individualism - will not change.
Thus, in conclusion, American exceptionalism and anti-Americanism are inextricably related. And if Americans are to find some modus vivendi with their critics, both the world and Americans will have to adapt."