

我在老來傾向那一邊的留言討論中,提到大學畢業踏足社會後,很快產生一種像Jim Croce唱New York's Not My Home一樣的“香港不是我的家”的感覺。

純樸鄉下仔Jim Croce到紐約謀音樂發展機會,不久發覺孤單無奈格格不入,領會紐約不是他的家,於是歸田園居,並在後來寫下這首歌。

(Jim Croce - The Official Site)

(Songfacts: New York's Not My Home by Jim Croce)

Well things were spinnin' round me, and all my thoughts were cloudy
And I had begun to doubt all the things that were me
Been in so many places, you know I've run so many races
And looked into the empty faces of the people of the night
And something is just not right ... 'cause I know

That I gotta get out of here, I'm so alone
Don't you know that I gotta get out of here
'Cause New York's not my home

Though all the streets are crowded, there's something strange about it
Lived there 'bout a year and I never once felt at home
I thought I'd make the big time, I learned a lot of lessons awful quick
And now I'm tellin' you, that they were not the nice kind
And it's been so long since I have felt fine ... that's the reason

That I gotta get out of here, I'm so alone
Don't you know that I gotta get out of here
'Cause New York's not my home

跟Jim Croce不同,我不是要get out of香港返回一個熟知而美好的地方。我當時只是覺得,世界上也許有比香港美好一點的地方...


假如你先生來自鹿港小鎮 請問你是否看見我的爹娘
我家就住在媽祖廟的後面 賣著香火的那家小雜貨店
假如你先生來自鹿港小鎮 請問你是否看見我的愛人
想當年我離家時她一十八 有一顆善良的心和一卷長髮

台北不是我的家 我的家鄉沒有霓虹燈
鹿港的街道 鹿港的漁村 媽祖廟裡燒香的人們
台北不是我的家 我的家鄉沒有霓虹燈
鹿港的清晨 鹿港的黃昏 徘徊在文明裡的人們

假如你先生回到鹿港小鎮 請問你是否告訴我的爹娘
台北不是我想像的黃金天堂 都市裡沒有當初我的夢想
在夢裡我再度回到鹿港小鎮 廟裡膜拜的人們依然虔誠
歲月掩不住爹娘純樸的笑容 夢中的姑娘依然長髮迎空

鹿港小鎮是羅大佑的少作,稍嫌作態,也有“參考”Jim Croce的痕跡。此外,其實羅大佑既不是鹿港人,也不是鄉下仔,甚至作曲時根本未去過鹿港。據他在《童年》一書夫子自道,他大六那年從台中上台北見習,驚覺農村景觀迅速消失,代之而來的是個花花世界,令他覺得有一種失去純樸生活的感覺,於是借題發揮,以一個來自鹿港的夢碎人的口中呼喊:台北不是我的家!

離鄉別井,到大都會碰機會,除了高呼大都會不是我的家外,同樣可以大喊鄉下仍是我的家!澳洲仔Peter Allen遠赴美國闖天下,雖然歌唱成就有限,但他作的曲,卻一再被別人唱紅,算是當時的樂壇名人。1980年,他唱作I Still Call Australia Home,結果紅遍祖家30年!


I've been to cities that never close down
From New York to Rio and old London town
But no matter how far or how wide I roam, I still call Australia home

I'm always travelIing, I love being free
And so I keep leaving the sun and the sea
But my heart lies waiting over the foam, I still call Australia home

All the sons and daughters spinning 'round the world
Away from their family and friends
but as the world gets older and colder
It's good to know where your journey ends
Someday we'll all be together once more
When all of the ships come back to the shore
I'll realise something I've always known, I still call Australia home



Home is where you heart is

