郎朗李雲迪誰更優,郎李之爭站那邊,我沒資格評論。看上文,提到Martha Argerich對郎朗的成功表示I don't understand,由於多年前我也曾引述該訪問,希望在此作一點資料性補充。
Argerich性格內向怯生怕寂寞,臨場取消演出不計其數。此外,幾十年來,她接受專訪的次數,寥寥可數。2003年底她罕有地接受Le Monde de la Musique訪問時卻提到郎朗:
Argerich:I am very surprised nowadays about the success of certain pianists whom I consider as less interesting. It surprises me more than artists who don't have enough concerts to survive.
LMdlM:What do you think for instance of the success of Lang Lang in the United States?
Argerich:I don't understand. But conductors such as Christoph Eschenbach and Yuri Termikanov are positive, so....
看上文下理,Argerich口中的I don't understand,基本上是不了解+不認同吧。所以,上文引用此評語作為Argerich對郎朗的負面評價,並無不可。
不過,要補充的是,Martha Argerich在2007年的Verbier Festival(這是她少數熱衷參與的音樂節之一),跟郎朗來個四手聯彈Ravel的Ma mère l'oye (Mother Goose)。Argerich對演奏拍檔異常揀擇,來來去去那幾位。這次肯跟郎朗合奏,多少意味著對他的觀感不錯,不像幾年前的不了解+不認同。