
Outsourcing of torture

Zizek's article also mentioned the "outsourcing" of torture, just like the outsourcing of the "dirty" process of material production: "Torture is nowadays 'outsourced' to Third World allies of the US, which can practise it without worrying about legal liability or public protest.

Interestingly, in the same 12-page tabloid-sized "Re|view" supplement of the Australian Financial Review which reprinted the Zizek article, there was a satirical piece on outsourcing - I was only doing my job ... or not - a reprint of Cullen Murphy's article "Let Someone Else Do It" in The Atlantic (Nov 04). Murphy observed that "so, too, sometimes, is torture [outsourced to the private sector], as Abu Ghraib scandal reveals, although the more common practice is for squeamish governments (i.e. ours) to outsource problematic interrogations to less squeamish governments (Cairo, Manila) - a practice that goes by the artfully bland term "rendition"."

