
Paradise (Paradiset)

"Can there ever really be heaven on earth? And who would you trust to take you there?

Whilst working on a story about Paradise - a foundation that claims to protect abused women - journalist Annika Bengtzon receives a phone call from Aida, a young Bosnian woman who needs help. It's a moment in time - for one a fight for life, for the other a possible story. Annika takes Aida to Paradise but neither Paradise or Aida are what they appear to be ...

As the story unfolds both women are forced to confront their own past. very different, but yet quite similar - two small-town girls who's lives touch for a moment on the streets of Stockholm."

Just like the foundation, there is no glimpse of paradise whatsoever in the film. All characters have either a sad past, or an unhappy present life, or more likely, both.

Very depressing. A good film though.

