
吳佳璇 張愛玲的精神分析

(第一篇) 張愛玲滿是跳蚤的晚年華服

(第二篇) 張愛玲的身心症與文學夢


另,今早也讀了另外一則關於(佛洛伊德式)精神分析的訪問。草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama)一生受精神病困擾。她談到,60年代末,正籌劃一場音樂劇時,舊病復發,於是去看心理醫師:

I was planning a Broadway musical ... but then, in late 1969, I became sick again. So I saw a doctor, who said that it was nothing. The psychiatrists I saw were in my opinion a mess, wth their heads muddied and brainwashed by Freud. For me, there were useless clinically. I frequented them, but my illness remained as debilitating as ever. It was a waste of time. They were antiquated Freudians. All I needed from them was a piece of information about how to cure myself, which they never gave me. As they asked, I recounted to them, 'My mother did this to me, did that to me.' The more I talked, the more haunting the original impression became.

My memory became clearer and clearer, larger and larger, and I felt worse and worse.

(from Yayoi Kusama, Phaidon Press)

