(有機會還是會讀那交口稱譽的Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do?)
KL: 最吾 common 的,就是所謂的 common sense
曾堯: 這書你覺得如何?我是Sandel新丁,有點失望。
曾堯: 感覺Sandel在說,把人世間一切事情市場化,很有問題,讀者們,你們也想想這題目吧。作為一次演講或一篇雜誌文章,還好。寫成一本書,過於空洞了。
曾堯: 在書的最後部分,Acknowledgements頁中,Sandel的確提到了此書源頭來自他早前的(牛津大學及BBC Radio 4)演講。
If I ruled the world: Michael Sandel
If I ruled the world, I would rewrite the economics textbooks. ... Today, we often confuse market reasoning for moral reasoning. We fall into thinking that economic efficiency—getting goods to those with the greatest willingness and ability to pay for them—defines the common good. But this is a mistake.
KL: Although most are 老生常談, but its good to remind us some issues we seldom or avoid to face in daily life. You should read "Justice : what's the right thing to do" first, I think
曾堯: 可能市場批判的書看了很多,覺得Sandel的沒甚麼added value吧。那我去找他的Justice來讀。
KL: Actually you can watch his speech on YouTube
曾堯: Harvard上傳的演講系列嗎?
AC: 我自己都鍾意justice多d,其後兩本有點為績集而續集的感覺。
XZ: 我總覺得講義不應該直接成書。二者是不同的。justice的課堂視頻我看了幾集,有些意思的。但書我不會看。
曾堯: 原來大家都看過了Justice講壇,我要急起直追了。
VL: Read "Justice", the book last year. Liked it but not sure about "If I Ruled the World". May be should read it to find out.
Open Culture: Michael Sandel’s Famous Harvard Course on Justice Launches as a MOOC on Tuesday (Tuesday = 12 March 2012)