







2 則留言:

  1. Hi Joe, have not logged on to your blog for quite a while. June 4 does carry a lot of implications to all people in HK, both positive and negative. Back in 1989, we could not imagine what 2009 would be like. Today, we cannot imagine what 2029 will be like. Another demo in BJ, another demo in Victoria Park, another 4.26 editorial in People's Daily, another crackdown in Tiananmen, another 痛心疾首 editorial by HK 文匯報.... There was no internet back in 1989, and we have it now. Information can be trasmitted in a much faster way with lots of details. Remember the bicycle teams in BJ taking up the task of spreading the news to all other people around? Today we even have mobile phones and SMS service affordable to most people in China.... But of course, all these can be switched off by the authority within seconds.

    Did I tell you that, a friend of mine who had been working in China for more than 15 years and is now early retired like you, commented on the Chinese govt: corrupt-to-the-core.

    When I retire, I think of travelling around China to see this country, so close and yet so far, and perhaps witness the second 'June 4'. Will you join me??

  2. Witness the next June 4? Hope it's a happy occasion.

    No authority can "switch off" information flows. Can make such flows much harder though. For example, I understand that it is not terribly difficult to access banned web sites (like this one) from within China.
