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Raymond Chandler The Long Goodbye
- 我多次說過,偵探/推理小說不是我杯茶,不常喝。首讀Raymond Chandler,方知有此境界。乾杯!
- Wikipedia: Raymond Chandler
Steven Landsburg More Sex Is Safer Sex - The Unconventional Wisdom of Economics
- landsburg.com
吉田修一 公園生活
- 吉田修一 文學部落格
夜間獨自駕駛,聽Bach最佳享受。我不用iPod,只帶了一張Wilheim Kempff的J.S. Bach Keyboard Works。
今天Winter Solstice(冬至),整日天陰下雨,最宜聽杜煥唱南音,凄凄慘慘戚戚。
I like detective fictions but I don't like Raymond Chandler. I still remember reading his "The Big Sleep" many years ago, made me fall asleep!
回覆刪除ha, who's your favourite author then? I've read a bit of Japanese 推理 and found most of them dull. To me, the crime (and solving it) is secondary to the characters.
回覆刪除the big sleep is considered chandler's masterpiece. it's on my "to read" list.
I actually like Sherlock Holmes and Poirot, hehe. I never like hard-boiled stuff so Chandler is not my cup of tea, but maybe you'll find his Big Sleep interesting. If I remember correctly Humphrey Bogart starred in the movie.
回覆刪除i'm suprised that you like these classic stuff! i haven't read either holmes or poirot (and doubt whether i would in future).
回覆刪除how about father brown? i read a few ages ago and quite enjoyed it.
Yes, I like those classic stuff. Can't remember much of father brown... maybe i should pick it up again...
回覆刪除As a general rule, I don't read books written before WWII.
回覆刪除why? i like classics.
回覆刪除i don't know why. except for classical music and a bit of classical chinese literature, my taste in art and literature has always been contemporary.
回覆刪除for example, i seldom watch movies made before mid-60's. for paintings, pre-impressionism works are no no for me.