

‎● 村上春樹的《1Q84》英譯本將於本年10月25日推出。

● 美國版全一冊,近1000​頁!英國版分兩冊,上冊為原書的第一和第二部。當年《發條鳥年代記》三合一英譯本The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle僅600多頁厚,可想而知《1Q84》美國版的“份量”。

● 上月村上春樹到西班牙領獎並接受傳媒訪問時,暗示《1Q84》可能還會有第四部。若屬實的話,那美國版三合一全一冊的處理將變得非常尷尬。

● 圖一為美國版封面。關於封面設計的用意,參考Chip Kidd Discusses the Book Jacket for Haruki Murakami’s Forthcoming Novel 1Q84 (注:村上春樹所有英譯本美國精裝版封面皆由Chip Kidd設計)

● 原書第一和第二部由Jay Rubin翻譯,第三部則由Philip Gabriel操刀。個人推想這分工是為儘快把英譯本推出市場。Jay Rubin去年10月透露,他已接近完成翻譯第一和第二部。11月中將是他和Philip Gabriel負責的第三部的交稿死線。

The Millions網頁發佈的英譯本開首一段:

The taxi’s radio was tuned to a classical FM broadcast. Janáček’s Sinfonietta—probably not the ideal music to hear in a taxi caught in traffic. The middle-aged driver didn’t seem to be listening very closely, either. With his mouth clamped shut, he stared straight ahead at the endless line of cars stretching out on the elevated expressway, like a veteran fisherman standing in the bow of his boat, reading the ominous confluence of two currents. Aomame settled into the broad back seat, closed her eyes, and listened to the music.

- 1Q84 Countdown - The world is about to change
- Randon House的村上春樹英文官網:美國版 | 英國版
- 村上春樹Facebook英文頁
- Translating Murakami: an email roundtable between Philip Gabriel and Jay Rubin (Philip Gabriel,Jay Rubin電郵對談翻譯村上)
- Wikipedia: 1Q84
- 《1Q84》原著及各種譯本封面,參考exorcising ghosts: haruki murakami resources in english

