As one of the most effective and powerful forms of communication, it comes as no surprise that comic art has been misappropriated by governments, self-interest groups, do-gooders, and sinister organizations to spread their message. World War II comic book propaganda-with Superman, Batman, and Captain America raising war bonds, and bashing cartoon Japanese and Germans-was so ubiquitous that there was barely a US comic untainted by the war effort. The sub-textual sequential art continued well into the Ciold War, with both sides producing comics extolling themselves and defaming the enemy. This book is a fascinating visual history of some of the most outrageous, and unbelievable and politically charged comics ever published.
這不是一部宣導漫畫(propaganda comics)的編年史。作者挑選了下面七個主題,為讀者提供圖為主文為輔的面面觀式介紹:
- 戰!
- 共匪
- 宣導羊群
- 信我者昌
- 色,性也
- 不離政治
- 摘錄:'Hansi The Girl Who Loved the Swastika'
- 摘錄:Comic Art Propaganda: Book for Ilex publisher
- 何謂propaganda(宣導)?作者用的是廣義,因此凡是漫畫,幾乎都可以說成有點宣導成分,這對宣導定義得比較狹的讀者來說很不是味兒。此外,有些漫畫內容今天看來很有宣導味(例如對女性或其他種族帶歧視性的描述),究竟是有意如此,還是只反映了當時普遍的看法?
- 既是graphic history,作者用了大量漫畫作例,讓讀者自己領會。可惜,這些圖像多是缩印,圖還算勉強看得清,要讀對白或文字描述就非拿放大鏡不可了。
- 作者對東方兩大漫畫王國—日本,中國—了解不深,引例不夠多。