
Frank Gehry's Dr Chau Chak Wing Building

(Location: University of Technology, Sydney. Completion: 2014)

Gehry competes with ghosts for architectural vision

Also read:
- Recognition of treehouse design will be in the bag when built, says Gehry
- Frank Gehry unveils his Sydney tree house

UTS has been working with Gehry Partners to design a world-class business school based on the idea of a tree-house structure. As Frank Gehry has put it, "a trunk and core of activity and... branches for people to connect and do their private work."

The building will have two distinct external facades, one composed of undulating brick, referencing the sandstone and the dignity of Sydney’s urban brick heritage, and the other of large, angled sheets of glass to fracture and mirror the image of surrounding buildings.

BS, if you ask me.


Who is Frank Gehry? (in case you don't know)

- Frank Owen Gehry : architect biography
- Wikipedia: Frank Gehry
- Playboy: Frank Genry Interview

Frank Gehry as a young rebel

Frank Gehry asks "Then what?"

Who is Dr Chau Chak Wing/周澤榮? (in case you think you know)

- Sydney Morning Herald: Behind the mysterious Dr Chau
- 大紀元:澳籍中共紅人再出手2.5千萬捐大學

2 則留言:

  1. 猛一看, Sydney的Gahry竟有點像巴塞隆納的高第?老頑童反樸歸真,儘想些不規矩的主意!

  2. 這個看起來真的很怪異很後現代。比較起來,高第的怪非常古典。

