


- 維基百科:感恩節 | Wikipedia: Thanksgiving (英文版比中文版和諧得多)

- Judy Dow (Abenaki) and Beverly Slapin: Deconstructing the Myths of “The First Thanksgiving”

- US State Department: Thanksgiving Day a Time for Reflection, Gratitude, Sharing - American tradition rooted in 1621 New England harvest celebration

- National Museum of the American Indian: Harvest Ceremony - Beyond the Thanksgiving Myth

- National Museum of the American Indian: American Indian Perspectives on Thanksgiving (For Teachers Grades 4-8)

- LEARN NC: Teaching about Thanksgiving

- Aaron Huey: The Myth of Thanksgiving and the Legacy of Manifest Destiny



就在移民們束手無策,坐以待斃時,第二年春天的一個早晨,一名印第安人走進了普利茅斯村。他自我介紹說,他是臨近村落的印第安酋長派來察看情況的。 ... 酋長是個慷慨熱情的人,他向移民表示了熱烈的歡迎,給他們送來了許多生活必需品作禮物。派來了最有經驗﹑最能幹的印第安人,教給移民們怎樣在這塊土地上生活,教他們捕魚﹑狩獵﹑耕作以及飼養火雞等技能。


印第安人欣然接受了邀請,提前送來了5只鹿作為禮物。11月底的一天,移民們大擺筵席,桌子上擺滿了自山林中打來的野味和用自產的玉米﹑甫瓜﹑ 筍瓜﹑火雞等製作的佳餚。慶祝活動一共進行了3天,白天,賓主共同歡宴,暢敘友情。晚上,草地上燃起了熊熊簧火,在涼爽的秋風中,印第安小伙子同普利茅斯殖民地的年輕人一起跳舞﹑唱歌﹑摔跤﹑射箭,氣氛非常熱烈。

LEARN NC: Teaching about Thanksgiving:

Having heard about the peaceful Thanksgiving meal, students often think that relations between colonists and native people were, on the whole, very fair and friendly and that the first Thanksgiving ushered in a period of peace and good relations that lasted indefinitely. In reality, of course, the story of relations between Europeans and Native Americans is not so rosy and students must understand the role of European disease, unkept promises, cultural conflict, and disputes over land and resources in defining long-term relationships between Europeans and American Indians. As the “Harvest Ceremony: Beyond the First Thanksgiving” article from the Museum of the American Indian makes clear, the relative peace between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag began to deteriorate as early as the 1660s, resulting in war by 1675. While it is important for students to celebrate the period of peace and mutual aid, they must also understand that the first Thanksgiving story is but one small piece of the long and often tragic history of relations between native people and European colonists.





- 魚之樂:感誰的恩?

- 我眼中的世界:感恩节话感恩:我们应该感谢谁?

